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IBC233 01 2011

2,061 bytes added, 12:15, 14 August 2011
== Lab 4 ==
Original Post:
So, i hope i'm putting this in the right area, but does anyone out there understand how to find out or 'prompt' was qiplsts does?
>> I'm not sure where you would be using QIPLSTS - that is the status of the Initial program load. QIPLTYPE (as indicated on page 9 of lab4 part 1) options can be found by typing the appropriate RTV command Cindy told us in class and pressing F4. Page-down to find QIPLTYPE for the information. Hope this helps.
It sure did! Thanks! :)
== Lab 5 ==
What command does WS provide a shortcut to?? (Page 2 of 12 in LAB 5)
The command is WRKSBMJOB.
By: Jayakumar Govinthasamy
How is a key field denoted in DDS?
By: Jayakumar Govinthasamy
What does DFU mean?
By: Jayakumar Govinthasamy
DFU is used to manipulate data in files. DFU stands for '''DATA FILE UTILITY''' and can be accessed by using CL commands such as '''strdfu''' or '''upddta'''.
== Lab 6 ==
== Lab 7 ==
Does anyone know what D-Spec type for lab 7? Thanks in advance, Quan Khau.
== Lab 8 ==
Can anyone help me?
== Lab In lab 8 ==we create our own command. So, how to know that how many parameters are required for that.In lab 8 we have 3 parameter but in our second test I don't know how many parameter to use?  Akash Patel
== Lab 9 ==
Where are the library descriptions stored?
Ans: Library Descriptions are stored in QSYS.
By: Jayakumar Govinthasamy
What is the exact difference between OUTPUT QUEUE and Spooled files?
By: Jayakumar Govinthasamy
The output queues are objects and spooled files are not. Output queue files are permanent and it contains spooled files which are temperary. Spooled files are output from a file which is compiled and contains detail about that file.
= General Discussion =
| Cindy|| Laurin|| N/A|| N/A || [ Cindy's Home Page] || claurin
| Karl || Danninger || kadanninger || A || [ Karl Danninger's Blog] || karlwithak| - | Zakeria || Hassan || zmhassan || A || - || ELECTRON| - |Jayakumar| - | Govinthasamy || jgovinthasamy || A || - N/A || -N/A
| - Quan|| - Khau|| - qkhau|| - B|| - N/A|| -NA
| - Akash || - Patel || - acpatel4 || - A || - N/A || -N/A
| Hadi|| Saeed|| N/A|| N/A || [ Hadi's Page] || N/A

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