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=== 1. Create Android Project ===
1.1. [httpSetup Eclipse with the ADT plugin as directed to ttp://www.vogella.de/articles/Android/article.html#installation Install necessary plug-inshere]for Android application development.<br/>1.2. Create a new android projectin your eclipse: ''File -> New -> Android Project'':<br/>1=== 2.Database Helper === === 3. Change the icon for the application. Add the icon to the ''drawable'' folders first and then open '''AndroidManifest.xml'''.<br/>First Activity Code - Book Manager ====== Click ''"Application"'' tab and Browse to the newly added icon:<br/>1.4. Run the application: ''Right Click -> Run AsFirst Activity Layout ====== 5.First Activity Menus === === 6.First Activity Context Menu === === 7. -> Android Application''<br/>Edit Activity Code === === 18.5. Click on the application icon. You should see the following:<br/>Edit Activity Layouts ===