no edit summary
== Current Status==
*Phase 68*Phase 7
<!--{|class="collapsible collapsed" style="border-style:solid;border-width:thin;border-color:black"
!align="left" style="background-color:SteelBlue; font-weight:bold;border-style:solid;border-width:thin;padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px;"| Dec 2010
* Add PostgreSQL specific optimization
===Phase 6: Test with NexJ Express Studio (DONE) ===* Estimated duration: Mar 7- Apr 1514, 2011
* Run model in Express studio using the postgresql adapter
* create scripts for database initialization, creation and dumping
* Deploy to JBoss
=== Phase 7: Megre Code with Latest Revision (DONE) ===
* Merge code with lastest revision from http://mercurial.nexj.com/express
=== Phase 8: Code Review ===
* Estimated Duration: Apr 14,2011 -
* Send Code to NexJ For Review
== Project Repository ==
* URL for central repository of the project is: httphttps://liberiabitbucket.proximity.on.ca:81org/gbatumbya/postgresql_external
* Steps to work with the repository
::click on '''File -> Import -> Mercurial -> Clone Existing Mercurial Repository'''
:: Enter this information:
::: '''URL''': ssh://liberia.proximity.on.ca/mercurial/postgreSQL/core .external
::: '''Username''': developer
::: '''Clone directory name''': core