Almost a complete re-do
==Project Contributor(s)==
==Project News and DetailsOptions======Status====* Help with [http://lxr.mozilla.org/ LXR]/[http://landfill.mozilla.org/mxr-test/ MXR]/[http://www.mozilla.org/bonsai.html Bonsai] development.* Waiting to see about Make a license for fisheyesort-of branch respectful version of [[OpenGrok]]* [Re]write major portions of how [[OpenGrok has rudimentary (ie ]] deals with history and changesets and the likes, this is my personal preference.* Try to fit [http://www.cenqua.com/fisheye/index.html Fisheye] into the current development model, but it seems this might be more like finding a kludge) support problem for branchinga solution. That is not to say this is a very good tool!
* [https://sparc.senecacollege.ca/portal.php?project&pid=23 Official Blurb] just in case I forget what I am doing :P
* [http://matrix.senecac.on.ca/~jhford/ John's School Page]
* [http://cvs2svn.tigris.org CVS2SVN] Tool to convert CVS to SVN. Will be used to test SVN interop.
* [http://endeveloper.wikipediamozilla.org/wikien/Apache_Tomcat Tomcat on Wikipediadocs/Mozilla_Source_Code_Via_CVS Devmo:CVS Checkout]* [http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Mozilla_Source_Code_Via_CVS Rsyncing_the_CVS_Repository Devmo: Rsyncing the CVS Checkout]* [http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Rsyncing_the_CVS_Repository Rsyncing the CVS_Tags Devmo: CVSTags]- to get the branches to checkout
* [http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=219985 Tomcat5 on Ubuntu]
* [http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2003/06/25/tomcat_tips.html Tomcat Tips]
* [http://atucker.typepad.com/blog/2005/11/a_new_source_br.html Blog Entry] on OpenGrok
* [http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=124431 Java5 on Ubuntu] - "sudo update-alternatives --config java" and "apt-get remove --purge java-gcj-compat"
* [http://www.mozilla.org/docs/jargon.html Mozilla Jargon]
* [http://www.deitel.com/CodeSearchEngines/CodeSearchEngines_ResourceCenter_MerobaseOpenGrokCodeProject.html link 45Misc] ==Notes on Accessing Test Server==If you want to access the test server through anything other than port 80, you are going to have to type in the following address into a browser and note the IP address you get in your address bar. This is because I have dynamic DNS. Everything, including the source itself, will be in the http root for easy access to the files. This is not optimal, and will not stay this way once things advance. [http://superfind.bounceme.net Superfind] - Will resolve as www.no-ip.com computer, which is why you have to use a browser to get the IP ====Services====<table><tr><td>'''Service'''</td><td>'''Port'''</td></tr><tr><td>OpenGrok</td><td>8180 or 80</td></tr><tr><td>Fisheye</td><td>81</td></tr></table> ==Questions==Please edit in an answer if you know
==Pulling CVS==
my $src_root = "/var/mozilla";
# Where you want to you the HTML for the branch info# This could be SSI'd, but that is your make executable (Mozilla needs 3.80, nothing else)a lot of work to set# up with the ubuntu packagesmy $make branchlistpath = "${src_root}/home/jhford/oldmake/makebranches.html";
# Where is your run.sh for opengrok???(or equivalent script to start the indexer)
my $opengroker = "/var/opengrok/run.sh";
# Where is your server?
my $cvsserver = ':pserver:anonymous@hera.senecac.on.ca:/cvsroot';
# Branches to be pulled
my @branches = (
"AVIARY_1_0_1_20050124_BRANCH", "REFLOW_20061031_BRANCH" ); # Descriptions for each branch, don't delete old ones for the sake of deleting themmy %descriptions = ( "HEAD" => "Trunk - development branch", "MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH" => "Firefox 2.0 - development branch", "MOZILLA_1_8_0_BRANCH" => "Firefox 1.5 - maintainance branch", "MOZILLA_1_7_BRANCH" => "Firefox 1.0 - maintainance branch", "AVIARY_1_0_1_20050124_BRANCH" => "Suite - maintainance branch", "REFLOW_20061031_BRANCH" => "Reflow Refactoring"
# Open the file or
open BRANCHLIST, ">$branchlistpath" or die "Could not open file";
# Number of branches, twice, once for the line, once for the description
my $branchcount = ($#{branches} + 1) * 2;
# Print the begining of the select block
print BRANCHLIST "<select class=\"q\" name=\"branch\" size=\"${branchcount}\" value=\"\" onClick=\"document.cookie = document.sbox.branch.selectedIndex;\" />\n";
# Clear out what ever source was there
system ("rm -rf ${src_root}/*");
foreach (@branches){
# Download the makefile, then checkout from the makefile
mkdir ${src_root}/$_;
cd ${src_root}/$_;
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous:anonymous\x40cvs-mirror.mozilla.org:/cvsroot ${cvsserver} co -r $_ mozilla/client.mk;
make -f ${src_root}/${_}/mozilla/client.mk checkout MOZ_CO_PROJECT=all;
# This is for an attempt at doing something, it is mostly useless
print BRANCHLIST "\t<optgroup label=\"$descriptions{$_}\" />\n";
print BRANCHLIST "\t<option> $_ </option>\n";
print BRANCHLIST "</select>\n";
system ("bash $opengroker");