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Teams Winter 2011/team4/lab2

112 bytes added, 16:14, 27 March 2011
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=Lab 2=
*[ Teampage]
* Like before, enter the name of your package and select ok.
===Use the class Activator to find the service===
*Open the '''Activator ''' class in the consumer plug in project
*Get the servers reference in the '''Activator's''' ''start()'' method, And provide code to start your consumer class. Example code in the picture below.
===Implement a class where one can consume the service===
*Create your consumer class in the consumer project
*Ensure that you create a static field in your consumer: ''static TimeZones tzs''You will need this to use service provided
===Install and run the Service Consumer Bundle===
*Run your consumer project: ''Right click -> Run As -> OSGi Framework''. As with the provider select the 3 bundles in our project
*Click ''Run!''
*A sample of our code running, seamless updating of timezones!

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