→1. Create the Service Interface
'''1.2. Create Interfaces'''<br/>
Add a package to the src folder in your project.Then Add following ttems items to your package:
# A Java class named BusRoute.
# A Java class named BusRouteNotFoundException which extends java.lang.Exceptions class.
# A Java class named InvalidNumberOfSeatsException which extends java.lang.Exception class.
# An Interface named Ticketing
:[[Image: 5CreateInterfaces.jpg| 800px]]
:Enter the code for the classes and the interface as per the following screenshotsscreen-shots::'''BusRout Class:''':[[Image: 6CreateNewClass.jpg | 700px]]:'''BusRoutNotFoundException Class:''':[[Image: 7CreateNewClass.jpg | 700px]]:'''InvalidNumberOfSeatsException Class:''':[[Image: 71CreateNewClass.jpg | 700px]]:'''Ticketing Interface:''':[[Image: 8CreateInterface.jpg | 700px]]