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Team1/Preparing Eclipse

56 bytes added, 07:46, 25 January 2011
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1.1. Create local directory Eclipse.<br />
1.2. Go to [ Eclipse downloads] and click on the required ''Eclipse Classic '' version (32Bit or 64Bit).
[[Image: Eclipse_Download.jpg|800px ]]
'''2. Preparing environment'''
2.1. Go to the ''Eclipse '' folder created during the installation and launch eclipse (Click eclipse.exe located in Eclipse/eclipse folder).<br /> [[Image: Eclipse_EXE.jpg | 400px300px]]
<br />2.2. In the appeared ''Workspace '' window type in the name of the workspace. In order to keep all projects in Eclipse folder, use the relative path for the workspace (Start with ".\"). Leave ''"Use this as the default" '' option unchecked.<br />
[[Image: Workspace.jpg | 400px]]
<br />2.3 Close the ''Welcome '' Window.<br/>2.4 Go to ''Windows -> Prefirences '' and in the ''Java '' section select ''Installed JREs''<br/>
[[Image: Eclipse_Preferences.jpg | 600px]]
<br/>2.5. Click Add and on in the ''Add JRE '' window leave ''Standard VM '' checked. Click ''Next''<br/>[[Image: Eclipse_Preferences2.jpg | 600px500px]]
2.6. On In the ''JRE Definition '' screen select the directory where Java SE is installed (e.g. C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_23). When JRE system libraries are uploaded click Finish.<br/>2.7. On In the ''Preferences '' screen select just added JRE.<br/>
[[Image: Eclipse_Preferences3.jpg | 300px]]
2.8 Click ''OK''.

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