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Dhrystone howto

686 bytes added, 18:49, 16 December 2010
Running the benchmark and gathering results
= Running the benchmark and gathering results =
The make command outputs 2 files named '''gcc_dry2''' and '''gcc_dry2reg'''. The author of this version decided to create 2 dhrystone executables . One with register variables, and one without. Either one will work for the benchmark so, feel free to test it out.
1. Run the executable by typing '''./gcc_dry2'''. The program will start to ask you for a ''number of runs''. By convention on newer machines, the number of runs used is about '''~100000000''' (100 million). There are no rules or standards about how many runs it should be, what matters is the consistency of the result. For consistent results, dhrystone is executed more than 5 times with same values for number of runs.
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