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PostgreSQL Adapter Project - Resources

1,158 bytes added, 12:45, 2 December 2010
MySQL Specifications
* [ Mysql Connector]
* [ MySQL Configuration properties]
* '''IMP!''' Some optimization [ Hints]
* Retrieving AUTO_INCREMENT Column Values []
* Storage Engine:: In some distributions, the default storage engine is MyISAM, which is not transaction safe. Setting the default engine to a transactional engine such as InnoDB is, however, trivial. MySQL has a query cache that does simple string matching before the parser to see whether a query has been processed recently and rapidly returns the result to the client application if it has, without the need to do any of the traditional database work. This is of considerable value to many read-mostly workloads. Cached queries are removed whenever any table involved in the query is changed so its usefulness declines as the rate of data changes increases. The query cache runs on a single thread and must consider each select, so it may eventually become a performance bottleneck at some point beyond 8 cores, but that's not usually the case. It can be turned off easily to check this and to see whether its small overhead is worthwhile for the particular workload. MySQL also supports network protocol-level compression which is an option that can be turned on by the client if the server allows it. This compresses everything to and from the server. * LikeEscape:[]
: Because MySQL uses C escape syntax in strings (for example, “\n” to represent a newline character), you must double any “\” that you use in LIKE strings. For example, to search for “\n”, specify it as “\\n”. To search for “\”, specify it as “\\\\”; this is because the backslashes are stripped once by the parser and again when the pattern match is made, leaving a single backslash to be matched against.
:Exception: At the end of the pattern string, backslash can be specified as “\\”. At the end of the string, backslash stands for itself because there is nothing following to escape. Suppose that a table contains the following values:

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