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Human Dependency on various Social/Networking Systems

857 bytes added, 16:42, 15 November 2010
Research Notes
'''Structure and evolution of online social networks'''
'''Comparison of online social relations in volume vs interaction: a case study of cyworld'''
* Because students lead nomadic lives, they find Facebook a particularly useful tool for initiating and managing social gatherings, and as they adopt mobile technologies that can access online social networks, their ad-hoc social life is further enabled.
'''Public vs. private: comparing public social network information with email'''
Having more and more valuable public sources for social network information, both on the internet and on the intranet, presents an opportunity to collect social network information in a way that is less sensitive privacy-wise.
'''Trends, similarities, and differences in the usage of teen and senior public online newsgroups'''
For example, text based CMC (such as newsgroups and email) does not provide the social and contextual cues that face-to-face communication has. This can be an advantage when communicating through newsgroups as the absence of information about social status, age and appearance might help to form a more “equal” basis for conversation.
The emergence of computer mediated communication and online communities has lead to the formation of complex online social networks.
The Internet can be described as one of the largest networks, for example, millions of users participate in UseNet newsgroups and post millions of messages.

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