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Westminster Computer Lab WIKI

614 bytes added, 15:57, 14 February 2010
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** Other Opportunities
= Computer Lab Fact Facts =
Here are some facts about the Westminster Computer Lab:
* Most equipment donated or reused. Truly, a recycling success story!
*Use of Linux (Ubuntu) operating system and open source software provides free software for the computer lab now and into the future...
* Current computer lab configuration should last 5 years at very low cost (eg. electricity usage, fix chairs, etc...)
* Extra computers are reserved in case a computer fails (estimate: 1 CPU per year).
* A backup server and backup routine will ensure minimum disruption. Just swap (switch) servers if required ...
* Computer lab can be sustained indefinately. Terminals (thin clients) can be donated in future by congregation, or by other organizations.
* Computer Lab (in the future) will be administered by youth members / volunteers trained by Murray Saul. Great job experience – looks good on a resumé...