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1,740 bytes added, 09:16, 31 March 2012
==Meeting Feb 04, 2010====Regrets=Introduction=
The Processing.js development team holds a weekly conference call to organize releases and discuss issues relating to current bugs. If you're helping to implement Processing.js, you're welcome to join. <s>The call is held every Thursday at 5:15 pm EST (2:15 pm PST).</s> Here are the dial-in instructions (all numbers to go the same place, pick the appropriate one for your location): * +1 650 903 0800 extension 92, conference # 7620 (US/International)* +1 416 848 3114 extension 92, conference # 7620 (Canada)* +1 800 707 2533 (password 369), conference # 7620 (US Toll Free)  Pressing *1 will mute or unmute your line. If you're having trouble hearing other people, pressing *6 will make the conference louder to you (*4 makes it quieter). If other people are having trouble hearing you, pressing *9 will make you louder to everyone else (*7 reverses this).  For backchannel conversations, use [irc:// #processing.js]. =Meetings=Proposed Agenda== NOTE: if you have agenda items you wish to add, please speak to Anna (annasob on irc), who chairs the meetings. * [[Processing.js/ConferenceCalls/Feb-04-2010|February 4, 2010]]* [[Processing.js/ConferenceCalls/Feb-11-2010|February 11, 2010]]* [[Processing.js/ConferenceCalls/Feb-18-2010|February 18, 2010]]* [[Processing.js/ConferenceCalls/Feb-25-2010|February 25, 2010]]* [[Processing.js/ConferenceCalls/Mar-11-2010|March 11, 2010]]* [[Processing.js/ConferenceCalls/Mar-18-2010|March 18, 2010]] * [[Processing.js/ConferenceCalls/Mar-25-2010|March 25, 2010]]* [[Processing.js/ConferenceCalls/Apr-1-2010|April 1, 2010]]* [[Processing.js/ConferenceCalls/Apr-8-2010|April 8, 2010]]* [[Processing.js/ConferenceCalls/Apr-15-2010|April 15, 2010]]* s[[Processing.js/ConferenceCalls/Apr-22-2010|April 22, 2010]]

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