added processing resources and learning topics
'''Project Task List''' is [https://wiki.mozilla.org/Education/Projects/ProcessingForTheWeb/Tasks here]
# Processing (Java) @ http://Processing.org
# Processing JS code @ http://ProcessingJS.org
# Minefield builds for WebGL (build your own or http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-trunk/). See also Vlad's post on this: http://blog.vlad1.com/2009/09/18/webgl-in-firefox-nightly-builds/
# Git, http://Github.com & a great video tutorial on Git @ http://peepcode.com/products/git
# AlertThingy (can plug your Github repo rss feed in and get live updates when other users submit code) @ http://www.alertthingy.com/
# HasCanvas, a Processing JS IDE @ http://HasCanvas.com
# Download the Java version of Processing @ http://processing.org/download/
# Look at what Processing Java is capable of @ http://processing.org/exhibition/
# Look at what has been done with Processing JS so far @ http://processingjs.org/exhibition & @ http://hascanvas.com/#open-about
# Read Processing articles "Getting Started" & "Coordiante System & Shapes" @ http://processing.org/learning/gettingstarted/ & @ http://processing.org/learning/drawing/
# Experiment around with the Processing Java app, use the Basic Examples @ http://processing.org/learning/basics/ and make something cool, interesting, wacky, where-ever your experiment takes you.
# Test whether you can re-create your sketch by copying your code to http://hasCanvas. You can share your work so others can see what you have done, you can also use hasCanvas to embed your visualization in your web site / blog.
==Project News==