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OOo Fedora Build

2,794 bytes added, 16:06, 11 May 2009
OOo Category
= Fedora Build =
[[OOo Mac Build]] - [[OOo Windows Build]]
* Resources
** [ "Build Software Requirements"]
** [ "Building"]
{| border="1" width="700"
|+ CDOT Computer Status - Who is working where
! Student Name !! CDOT Computer Name !! Operation !! Status
| [[User:Bbarcick|Bartosz]] (irc:BartB) Aaron (irc:achan66) || Australia || <Fill in this> building DEV40 || Distcc: Done
| Fardad [[User:jtpau|Jerry Pau]] (irc:fardadjPau) || Hong Kong || <Fill in this> m40 Done; m41 Done || Distcc: Done
| Fardad Daeseon Moon (irc:fardaddaeseon) || Ireland Germany || <Fill in thisb>Build Success</b> || Distcc: Done
| Daeseon Moon Ladan Zahiroleslam(irc:daeseonl_zahir) || Germany hongkong || Building OOO I'm getting so many build problems :(|| Distcc: Done
| [[User:Tiago|Tiago]] (IRC: Kamots) || India || Building OOo || Regular Build: in progress|-| [[User:Minicheong|Frankie]] (IRC: Mini_Cheong) || Liberia || <b>Built in ProcessBuild Success!!</b> <br/> Started: Jan 30 - 9:41pm <br/> Ended: Jan 31 - 1:53am || Distcc: Done <br/> OOo|-| [[User: Checked Out <br/> CompleteWfred|Fred Wang]] (IRC: configure <br/> Complete: bootstrapWFred) || Locally || Build Succeeded ||
== Setting C and C++ compilers ==
* export CC='distcc gcc'
* export CXX='distcc g++'
* Read this as well:[]
== Setting Distcc for OO build ==
* Create directory "/usr/lib/distcc/bin"
* Make symbolic links in the directory
** ln -s /usr/bin/distcc /usr/lib/distcc/bin/g++
** ln -s /usr/bin/distcc /usr/lib/distcc/bin/c++
** ln -s /usr/bin/distcc /usr/lib/distcc/bin/cc
** ln -s /usr/bin/distcc /usr/lib/distcc/bin/gcc
* Add the directory at the first of your PATH environment variable
** export PATH=/usr/lib/distcc/bin:$PATH
* After configuration is done, add MAXPROCESS in environment variable
** export MAXPROCESS=8
* "*note* if having problems with use below command
** export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
* Execute dmake with option "-E"
** dmake -E
* Read this as well [ dmake Man Page]
== A script to Log and Time the execution ==
To be able to capture the output of your execution and time it at the same time, save this script in a file. I called this file "logNtime". Give "logNtime" execution permission:
echo "$__cname__ exec time: ------------------" >> "$__cname__"time.log
echo start time: `date` >> "$__cname__"time.log
while [[ $# != 0 ]]; do
__cmd__="$__cmd__ $1"
if [ -f "$__cname__"output.log ]; then
mv "$__cname__"output.log "$__cname__"output.`date +%y%m%d%H%M%S`.log
echo $__cmd__ >> "$__cname__"time.log
$__cmd__ >> "$__cname__"output.log 2>> "$__cname__"output.log
echo end time: `date` >> "$__cname__"time.log
echo "-----------------------------------------" >> "$__cname__"time.log
Then run your commands like:
logNtime dmake -E
This will create two log files: dmakeoutput.log and dmaketime.log which hold the output of dmake and it's execution
== Configuring The Source ==
Configuring error is different for every machine.<br/>Here is some errors that I have run into and fix by using the following methodfixes for it.
{| border="1" width="500"
| no gperf || yum install gperf.x86_64
| no Ant || yum install ant.x86x64x86_64|-|Can't locate Archive/ in @INC ||yum install perl-Archive-Zip|-| no tcsh ||yum install tcsh
If using the pre-built Mozilla libraries, this configure command works:
./configure --with-use-shell=bash --prefix=/home/dev/dev-install/ --with-system-stdlibs --disable-build-mozill
== Setting Environment Variables ==
== Bootstrapping ==
== Build ==
dmake '''2>~/errorLog'''
== Build Issue ==*[ rhino fails to build with OpenJDK]*[ libnss3 patch]*[ rpmbuild buildroot error] [[]]

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