no edit summary
* ([[User:Chris Tyler]]) - We need a bot for {freenode,moznet}:#seneca similar to firebot/zodbot. It should know how to turn bugzilla numbers into the corresponding URLs (for Mozilla, Red Hat, OpenOffice.org, and Eclipse bugzillas), know how to convert wiki page names to URLs (OpenSource@Seneca wiki, maybe others), and be able to do useful things with user IDs (last seen, give the user's OpenSource@Wiki page). Ideally it should have a bunch of other userful features (e.g., leave a ping for a user who's not online now, ...)
*[[How-Tos|Seneca How-To Wiki]] Add tutorials on whatever you have worked on.
* '''(new)''' ([[User:ashughes|ashughes]]) - I need a torrent server set up in CDOT and for it to be populated with a small set of test data. I need this to both test and demo [[User:ashughes/BirdTorrent|Birdtorrent]] at various stages.
*'''(new)'''[[User:John64|John Ford]] - I am using KVM vms through virt-manager. I would like to know how to make a port from the guest visible to the outside world. Ideally this would be in the form of a guide on the wiki but a chat on IRC would work for me as well. My nick is John64 and my learn id is jhford if email works better for you.