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DPS909 and OSD600 Winter 2009 Eclipse WTP Weekly Schedule

79 bytes removed, 12:12, 15 January 2009
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** '''Blog''' on your reactions to the readings for this week.
** Begin learning how to use [[Irc|IRC]] for communication. We'll cover this in detail next week, but it's better to get started early.
  *** If you are familiar with IRC, after you install ECLIPSE WTP, you will include the ECF (Eclipse Communication Framework) so that your IRC client will be a communication perspective inside Eclipse. Please read the instructions to add IRC client to your Eclipse WTP:*** -> * In Eclipse 3.4/Ganymede, choose Help -> Software Updates...*** -> * Click on Available Features tab; Click on Manage Sites... button.*** -> * Drag and drop the following URL from your browser to the list in the Manage Sites window:**** []*** -> * Click OK in the Manage Sites window

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