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User:AaronMT/FSOSS 08

1 byte added, 18:01, 23 October 2008
Komodo: Making Proprietary Products Open Source
They are as follows:
*Gain contribution
** ''Through the essence of open source, one is permitted to use, change, and improve software, and to redistribute in modified or unmodified form.''Users are treated like co-developers and so they should have access to the source code of the software. Furthermore users are encouraged to submit additions to the software, code fixes for the software, bug reports, documentation etc. Having more co-developers increases the rate at which the software evolves. One is fundamentally contributing towards the success of the project. Shane stressed that anyone can act as a contributor; common ways exist so that one can contribute. By using Komodo Edit in your everyday life and recommending it to others, by helping other users, by translating, documenting and testing one is contributing. Shane explained that many of these tasks do not require special technical skills. No matter how one wants to contribute, ActiveState welcomes new drive and ideas and any contributions to help improve Komodo and spread Open Source to the world.
*Explore new business models
*Increase user base

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