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8 bytes removed, 17:46, 15 September 2006
# '''What is the best way to share long URLs in IRC?'''
#: Use and paste the resulting URL into IRC.
# '''IRSSI + Terminal Server:''' Why use the IRSSI client on cs1 you ask? ;Well because it enables then you to not don't have to be worried about being connected to IRC at all times. By using the ''screen'' porgram you can create a session in the backround and lunch IRSSI within that session. This way when you logout of telnet or ssh your session is still active and can be accessed later on.'''
## Obtain an account on cs1 (ask dave).
## Use a ssh or telnet client to connect to cs1. [ PuTTY (Windows)]. If you use linux or any unix based operating system you probably know what to do.