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SYA710 Lab01

1,338 bytes added, 06:55, 9 September 2008
SYA710 Lab #1
== SYA710 Lab #1 ==
=== Focus: Working With File Systems ===
=== PART A(Container is a file): ===Perform the following steps: ===
<li>Power on your PC and boot up Fedora 8 Test and login as 'joker'
<li>Answer the questions 1 to 4 in PART D, then do PART B.<br>
=== PART B (Container is a partition): ===
Perform the following steps:
<li>Use fdisk to make primary partition #4 of about 1GB size.<br>
<li>Inform the kernel of the change in the partition table with the
partprobe <br>
<li>Make an ext3 file system in the new partition:<br>
mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sda4<br>
<li>Make a new directory (mkdir /mnt1) and mount the file system onto it like this<br>
mount /dev/sda4 /mnt1 <br>
<li>Now copy the contents of your /home directory to this new file
system like this:<br>
cp -a /home/* /mnt1 <br>
<li>Add the following line for your /etc/fstab file<br>
<pre>/dev/sda4 /home ext3 defaults 1 3</pre>
<li>Unmount /mnt1</li>
<li>Close the console window and logout of joker.</li>
<li>Login as root and open a console window.</li>
<li>Enter the command<br>
mount -a <br>
<li>Enter the 'df -Thi' command to verify that /dev/sda4 is mounted
as /home.</li>
<li>Close the console window and logout.</li>
<li>Login as joker, open a console window and use the df command to
verify that /dev/sda4 is mounted at /home.</li>
<li>Answer the rest of the questions in PART D.<br>

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