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OPS345 Lab 6

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* Email overview* Create a new VM named 'email' in vpc-ops345,, with an extra 4GB EBS volume, ops345sgemail,* ssh only from ops345sgprivate* add an iptables rule on router to forward port 2212 to email:22, don't forget to edit ops345sg* email_public_ip* same instructions as for vg_www-lv_www but vg_email-lv_email, mounted on /home* but also mount it on /tmp/home, and move everything from /home to /tmp/home before rebooting** can lose access to ssh key if don't do it right - see what happens if mount on /home without<source>[root@email ~]# vi /etc/fstab [root@email ~]# mount /home/[root@email ~]# ls /home/lost+found# try to ssh now, it won't work[root@email ~]# umount /home/[root@email ~]# mkdir /tmp/home[root@email ~]# mount /dev/mapper/vg_email-lv_email /tmp/home/[root@email ~]# cd /home/[root@email home]# ls -a. .. andrew[root@email home]# mv andrew/ /tmp/home/[root@email home]# cd /[root@email /]# ls /home/[root@email /]# ls /tmp/home/andrew lost+found[root@email /]# umount /tmp/home/[root@email /]# ls /tmp/home/[root@email /]# ls /home/[root@email /]# mount /home/[root@email /]# ls -a /home/andrew/. .. .bash_history .bash_logout .bash_profile .bashrc .ssh[root@email /]# reboot</source>* Confirm confirm can still log in. if nothttp: have to rebuild email vm* The LV on a separate storage device is as valuable as the www LV. If the Vm is lost or damaged: EBS device is still there, and it's also easier to back up.* connect to myseneca email using thunderbird on linux mint* postfix is installed by default, but only used for localhost* instal dovecot to get dovecot-lda* /etc/postfix/** mydomain =** inet_interfaces = all** mydestination include mydomain** myorigin later* restart postfix* ss -atnp* add access to port 25 from anywhere in ops345sgemail* add A record for email* add MX[1]* test on router first, records are cached for 60 minutes. test on www second, email third, finally make sure it works on the workstation* send email from myseneca to* check /var/log/maillog* check ~/* check /var/mail* /etc/postfixwiki/mainOPS345_Lab_6 This page has mailbox_command = /usr/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda -f "$SENDER" -a "$RECIPIENT"* /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-mail.conf: mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir* check /var/mail* check ~/*]

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