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Winter 2008 OSD600 Weekly Schedule

1,620 bytes added, 16:11, 8 January 2008
Initial set-up and week 1 content.
== Week 1 (Sept 3) Course introduction ==

* Course introduction
* Intro to open source
* Intro to Mozilla project
** [[Mozilla Project Overview]]
** Community, Foundation, Corporation
** [ The Mozilla Manifesto]
** Mozilla [ platform] and [[Mozilla Technology Overview|technologies]]

* '''Readings/Resources'''
** [ "Cathedral and Bazaar"] by Eric Raymond
** [ "Revolution OS"] [film] (see also or QA 76.9.A25 R68 2003)
** [ Mike Shaver discusses the Mozilla Manifesto] [MP3]

* '''TODO'''
** Create a '''blog''' (wordpress or blogspot or whatever) and create a feed category or tag called "open source"
** Read the [[Blog Guidelines]] for instructions on how to use your blog in the course
** Create an '''account''' on this wiki for yourself
** Create a '''personal wiki page''' on this wiki, and add a link for yourself to the [[People]] page. Your personal page should initially include your contact information and a link to your blog; as you progress through the course, update this page with information about your work.
** Add your '''blog feed''' and info to the [[Open Source@Seneca Planet List]] so that it appears in the [ OpenSource@Seneca Planet]
** Blog your reaction to and reflections on "The Catederal and the Bazaar" and "Revolution OS".