→Failed requests menu
You are encouraged to start early and work on the parts you're comfortable with so that you don't have too much work piled up before the deadline.
* For example: you only need basic programming skills to create the menus and implement menu navigation. Do that now, so that later you don't have to worry about it. * Your program should catch all reasonably-exptected exceptions (e.g. file not found, regular expression search failed, zero results) and print an error message that makes sense to an average user. If I have to debug your program for you - I may fix it or I may ask you to resubmit it. * You may use any coding style you choose - but make sure it is consistent throughout the program. Coding style is important - not least because I have to read it. "Style" includes adding a comment at the top of every function explaining what it does. You won't lose marks for too many comments, you will lose marks for too few.* If your assignemnt doesn't work or has major problems - you will be asked to resubmit it, which will likely cost you more than a late penalty.
=== Name and Parameters ===
Again, the questions are self-explanatory once you understand the Apache combined log format.
== Submission ==
After testing your program - submit it via Blackboard.