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OPS335 Assignment 2 - Murray Saul rev1

1,462 bytes added, 11:29, 20 March 2017
Detailed Requirements
== Purpose ==
In this assignment, you will use the '''335assign virtual network''' and the '''seedling''' cloning-source that you created in assignment 1 (part 1) to create two e-mail servers: a '''Mail Transfer Agent''' called '''pine''' and a ''Message Store'' (IMAP) called '''fir'''. You will also use the '''seedling''' cloning source to create a Samba server called '''bristlecone'''. In addition to creating those Linux servers, you will also be required to create a virtual machine for an MS Windows operating system to test-out your Samba server. As you perform and submit this assignment, you '''MUST''' run at least the '''balsam''' Master Name server in order to resolve domain names to IP addresses. 
== General Requirements ==
== Detailed Requirements ==
{{Admon/important|It is YOUR responsibility to Backup all of your VMs for this Assignment!|You are required to frequently backup your VMs prior to exiting a work session during this assignment. Your instructor will NOT accept the fact that your hard disk crashed and lost all of your work. If you properly backed up your VM images and xml configuration files to a USB, then you can purchase a new hard-disk or wipe and recreate your hard disk and restore your VMs. Students who fail to submit their assignment #2 by the last day of scheduled classes will receive an INC grade (assuming they passed all of the other requirements for this course) and will be required to show their instructor their working assignment #2 no later than 4PM on the first Tuesday of the next semester; otherwise, they will fail the course. Students with accommodations should discuss arrangements regarding due dates / submission of assignment #2. Students that are missing both of assignment #1 and assignment #2 will fail this course.}}<br /><br />
=== Set-up Mail Transfer Agent ('''pine''')===
#The normal user on your host machine must be able to ssh to the root account on each machine without being prompted for a password.
#Create a '''regular user''' for this virtual machine using '''your Seneca userID'''.
#This machine will accept incoming email for any user account in the '''coniferous.trees.ops''' domain and any named machine in that domain.
#Any machine within the '''coniferous.trees.ops''' domain will be able to route outgoing email through this server.
#Only the address associated with pine.coniferous.trees.ops will be used for SMTP.
#This machine will use postfix's built-in LDA, and will store mail in maildir format, placing each users' mail in a sub-directory of their home directory called '''mail'''.
#This machine will provide users with '''unencrypted''' remote access to their mail boxes through dovecot using IMAP. Note that this access will only be available to machines inside the '''coniferous.trees.ops''' network, and only through the ip address and hostname for '''fir.coniferous.trees.ops'''
#No other machine in the domain will accept email.
#Any mail sent directly from this machine will use the domain as the sending address (i.e. user@coniferous.trees.ops)
#All mail sent You are NOT required to this network should automatically be redirected here using DNSencrypt received email messages.#This machine will relay received email messages for any user account in the '''coniferous.trees.ops''' domain.
=== Set-up Mail Delivery Agent / Message Store ('''fir''') ===
#Create a clone virtual machine called '''fir''' from the '''seedling''' cloning-source. Refer to the table below for '''address''' and '''hostname'''.
#The normal user on your host machine must be able to ssh to the root account on each machine without being prompted for a password.
#Create a '''regular user''' for this virtual machine using '''your Seneca userID'''.
#The root user on your host machine must be able to ssh to the root account on each machine without being prompted for a password.#This machine will accept incoming email for any user account in the '''coniferous.trees.ops''' domain and any named .#No other machine in that this domainwill accept incoming email.#Any This machine within the will be an '''coniferous.trees.opsIMAP''' domain will be able to route outgoing email through this server(i.e. NOT POP3 or LTMP).#Only the address associated with pine.coniferous.trees.ops This machine will be used for SMTPNOT use encryption.#This machine will use postfixpostifx's built-in LDA, and will to store mail received emails in maildir format, placing each users' mail in a sub-directory of their each users' home directory called '''mail'''mailboxes.#This machine Any mail sent to root will provide users with be automatically delivered into the mailbox of the '''unencryptedregular user''' remote access created above.#Configure your Thunderbird application (installed in Lab 4b) to their mail boxes through dovecot allow the user to send and receive email messages using IMAP. Note that this access will only be available to machines inside the '''coniferous.trees.opspine''' network, and only through the ip address and hostname for '''fir.coniferous.trees.ops'''#No other machine in the domain will accept email.#Any mail sent directly from this machine will use the domain as the sending address (i.e. user@coniferous.trees.ops)#All mail sent to this network should automatically be redirected here using DNSservers.
Add MX records to the forward lookup zone on your balsam DNS server so that all incoming mail addressed to the domain is sent to your IMAP server ('''fir''') first, and the MTA ('''pine''') as a fall-back.
=== Set-up a Samba Server ('''bristlecone''')===
Perform the following steps for this section:
#Create a clone virtual machine called '''bristlecone''' from the '''seedling''' cloning-source. Refer to the table below for '''address''' and '''hostname'''.
#The normal user on your host machine must be able to ssh to the root account on each machine without being prompted for a password.
#Create a '''regular user''' for this virtual machine using '''your Seneca userID'''.
#This machine It will accept incoming email for any user account in the run '''coniferous.trees.opsSamba''' domain and any named machine (automatically on boot) to share files with machines in that domainthis network. You may reuse the Windows installation from the lab or create a new one for the assignment.#Any machine within Create five <u>new</u> users on the Samba file server, call them '''yoursenecaid-1''', '''yoursenecaid-2''', '''yoursenecaid-3''', '''yoursenecaid-4''', '''coniferous.trees.opsyoursenecaid-admin''' domain will be able to route outgoing email through this server.(replace "yoursenecaid" with your <u>actual</u> Seneca ID)#Only Create a directory /documents with the address associated with pinefollowing subdirectories:<pre style="font-size: 14pt;margin-left:30px;">.coniferous.trees.ops will be used ├── private│ ├── yoursenecaid-1│ ├── yoursenecaid-2│ ├── yoursenecaid-3│ ├── yoursenecaid-4│ └── yoursenecaid-admin└── shared ├── readonly └── readwrite</pre><ol><li value="6">Set up permissions/ownership on those directories for SMTP.#This machine will use postfixyour Linux users on the file server so that:<ol type="a"><li>'''s builtyoursenecaid-in LDA, and will store mail in maildir format, placing each users1''' through ''' mail in a subyoursenecaid-directory of 4''' have '''read/write''' access to their home directory called own <u>private</u> directories.</li><li>'''mailyoursenecaid-admin'''.#This machine will provide users with has '''unencryptedread/write''' remote access to their mail boxes through dovecot using IMAP<u>every</u> directory. Note that this </li><li>Everyone has '''read''' access will to the '''readonly''' directory (but only be available to machines inside the '''coniferousadmin''' has '''write''' access too).trees.ops</li><li>Everyone can both '''read''' network, and only through '''write''' to the ip address and hostname for '''firreadwrite''' directory.coniferous</li></ol></li><li>Set up '''five''' Samba users to mirror your new Linux users.trees.ops</li><li>Configure '''seven'''#No other machine in shares (one for each directory above) with permissions as close as possible to the domain will accept emailLinux permissions.</li></ol> #Any mail sent directly from this machine will use the domain as the sending address === Set-up Windows Client to Test Samba server (i.e. user@coniferous.trees.ops'''windows''')===#All mail sent to Perform the following steps for this network should automatically be redirected here using DNS.section:
#Create a clone virtual machine called '''client''' from the '''seedling''' cloning-source. Refer to the table below for '''address''' and '''hostname'''.
#Create a '''regular user''' for this virtual machine using '''your Seneca userID'''.
#The normal user on your host machine must be able to ssh to the root account on each machine without being prompted for a password.
#This machine will use the master and slave DNS servers in your domain as the primary and secondary DNS servers. It will not have access to any other DNS servers.
=== Network Configuration ===
! Hostname !! Address !! Purpose
| '''sprucelarch.coniferous.trees.ops''' (your existing sourcehost) || External Facing Address:''' DHCP assigned'''<br>Internal Virtual Bridge (virbr1):'''''' || Your '''host''' machine
|- style="background-color:#66cccc;"
|'''bristlecone.coniferous.trees.ops''' || '''''' || '''Samba''' Server
|- style="background-color:#66cccc;"
| '''windows.coniferous.trees.ops''' || '''''' || Client Linux or Windows Server
In addition to the basic firewall established in assignment 1, ensure the following restrictions are met:
# Any All virtual machines will use iptables as their firewall.#Outgoing traffic is allowed. #Each virtual machine may query '''balsam'''must be able to check for and install updates using yum.# Only Traffic on the machines in loopback interface for each virtual machine is allowed.#The host machine (and only the '''coniferoushost machine) must be able to ssh to them.trees.ops''' #ICMP traffic is allowed if it originated within the local network may query spruceonly.# Only spruce is Other than that, only the traffic necessary to support their roles described above should be allowed to get zone transfers from '''balsam'''.
== Assignment Submission ==
::'''Murray Saul's Classes (Sections A &amp; B):'''<ol><li>Login as '''root''' on your '''host''' machine.</li><li>Change to the '''/root/bin''' directory.</li><li>Make certain that both at least your '''balsam''', '''pine''', '''fir''', '''bristlecone''' and '''spruceclient''' virtual machines are running.<li>Issue the command to download a checking script for your assignment to your '''host''' machine: <source>wget # Currently not available</source></li><li>Set execute permissions and run the command: '''/root/bin/check-assn1-p2assn2.bash'''<br>(You shell script contents will be mailed to your Seneca email and to your OPS335 instructor's Seneca email. If you do '''NOT''' receive an e-mail message in your Seneca email account, then there is a problem, and you '''MUST''' rerun or contact your OPS335 instructor immediately.<br><br></li></ol>
*'''Additional Assignment Information:'''<ol type="a"><li>This assignment is to be completed individually. '''Group submissions are not allowed'''.</li><li>You are NOT allowed to use local hostname resolution (i.e. no entries in your '''/etc/hosts''' file).<li>Test your machine to make sure it works. If a machine is not accessible (e.g. will not boot, can not be accessed through ssh from your host, etc.), or is otherwise non-functional, you may be told to '''resubmit'''.</li><li>'''Late submissions are a subject to a penalty of 10% per day'''.</li><ol>
| width=10% style="text-align:right;font-weight:bold" | Mark
| colspan="2" | ::x| style="text-align'''STMP and IMAP Servers:right" | /1'''
::x:Proof of SMTP Server Running on '''pine''' server
| style="text-align:right" | /1
::x:E-mails sent from '''pine''' and '''bristlecone''' servers to '''fir''' server (user@IP_ADDR)
| style="text-align:right" | /1
::x:E-mails sent from '''pine''' and '''bristlecone''' servers to '''fir''' server (user@DOMAIN_NAME)
| style="text-align:right" | /1
| ::x| stylecolspan="text-align:right" | /1|-| colspan=2 style="text-align:center;background-color:#cccccc;" |'''Configuration (Checking Script Output)'''|-| style="font-weight:bold;" | Evaluation Item | width=10% style="text-align:right;font-weight:bold" | Mark|-| colspan=2 | '''Master Name Samba Server (balsam) - General ConfigurationAccess via Windows OS:'''
::Domain set:'''yoursenecaid-1''' through '''yoursenecaid-4''' has '''read/write''' access
| style="text-align:right" | /1
::Has correct ip addresses:'''yoursenecaid-admin''' has '''read/write''' access to every directory
| style="text-align:right" | /1
::Default gateway set:All accounts have '''read''' access to the '''read-only''' directory<br>(but only '''yoursenecaid-admin'' has '''write''' access)
| style="text-align:right" | /1
::DNS1 set:All accounts can both '''read''' and '''write''' to the '''readwrite''' directory.
| style="text-align:right" | /1
| ::DNS2 set| colspan=2 style="text-align:rightcenter;background-color:#cccccc;" | /1'''Configuration (Checking Script Output)'''
| colspanstyle=2 "font-weight:bold;" | '''Master Name Server (balsam) Evaluation Item | width=10% style="text- Named Configuration'''align:right;font-weight:bold" | Mark
| ::Zone transfer colspan=2 | '''Mail Transfer Agent (to slave DNS serverpine) limited to spruce only| style="text-align:right" | /2General Configuration'''
::Forwards to VM1:Postfix MTA settings| style="text-align:right" | /25
| ::Recursion limited to coniferous| style colspan="text-align:right" 2 | '''Mail Delivery Agent (MTA) /2Message Store (MS) - General Configuration'''
::coniferous.trees.ops forward lookup:Postfix MTA settings
| style="text-align:right" | /3
::Server is master for coniferous.trees.ops| style="text-align:right" | /2|-| ::NS records in forward zoneLDA settings
| style="text-align:right" | /1
::No extra NS records:AA settings| style="text-align:right" | /14
| ::Refresh timer set| style colspan="text-align:right" 2 | /1'''DNS configuration'''
::Retry timer set| style="text-align:right" | /1|-| ::A Correct MX recordsexist| style="text-align:right" | /3|-| ::spiral.galaxies.ops reverse lookup| style="text-align:right" | /3|-| ::Server is master for 172.30.20| style="text-align:right" | /12
::NS :MX records in 20.30.172prioritize access to mail servers correctly
| style="text-align:right" | /2
::No extra NS records
| style="text-align:right" | /1
::PTR records
| style="text-align:right" | /3
::Hierarchy to sub-domain
| style="text-align:right" | /3
| colspan=2 | '''Slave Name Samba Server (spruce) - General Configuration'''
::Domain set:Directories shared with correct permissions| style="text-align:right" | /17
::Has correct ip addresses:Samba accounts created (1/2 mark each)| style="text-align:right" | /12
::Default gateway set:Writing allowed to directories
| style="text-align:right" | /1
| ::DNS1 set| style="text-align:right" | /1|-| ::DNS2 set| style="text-align:right" | /1|-| colspan=2 | '''Slave Name Server (spuce) - Named ConfigurationFirewall policies'''
::Queries limited to coniferous.trees.ops:MTAs allow SMTP traffic
| style="text-align:right" | /2
::Non-recursive| style="text-align:right" | /1|-| ::coniferous.trees.ops forward lookup| style="text-align:right" | /3|-| ::Server is slave for coniferous.trees.opsAA allows IMAP traffic
| style="text-align:right" | /1
::Master for coniferous.trees.ops set:IMAP traffic limited to local network
| style="text-align:right" | /1
::coniferous.trees.ops reverse lookup| style="text-align:right" | /3|-| ::Server is slave for 172.30.20Samba server allows samba traffic
| style="text-align:right" | /1
::Master for 172.30.20 set| style="text-align:right" | /1|-| ::Zone transfer works| style="text-align:right" | /4|-| colspan=2 | '''Firewall policies'''|-| ::queries allowed| style="text-align:right" | /2|-| ::queries Samba traffic limited to coniferouslocal network
| style="text-align:right" | /1
|'''Less Deductions (half-mark for EACH VM):
:*'''SELinuxDOMAIN Name''' NOT EnforcingResolved
:*'''VM hostname''' NOT set
:*firewalld '''enabled''' / '''running'''
:*iptables '''disabled''' / '''not running'''
:*No '''Yum update</li><li>Named ''':*'''Services''' NOT active:*local Local hostname resolution remaining appears in '''/etc/hosts'''(1 mark per entry, per vm):*Neglecting major safeguards (e.g. no firewall present, firewall allowing all traffic, no active SELinux) ('''4 marks per issue''')
| '''TOTAL'''
| style="text-align:right" | '''/6440'''

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