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OPS335 Assignment 1b - Murray Saul

8 bytes removed, 08:36, 29 January 2017
Set-up Master Name Server (elm)
#Clone the '''elm''' vm from the seedling cloning-source. Refer to the table below for '''address''' and '''hostname'''.
#Setup a DNS server on your elm vm with noting the following items below:<ol type="a"><li>You must declare a zone for the zone called: '''coniferous.trees.ops'''</li><li></li></ol>
Make certain that your DNS server must has all the records for the zone called: '''''' listed in that table, including records for machines that do not exist as of yet. It is important to understand that DNS records live independently from the machines that they are "pointing" to.
#A default setup for a master DNS server should be sufficient, but make certain that the address of your '''admin contact''' is: '''''', and that slave DNS servers will check for updated records from this master every 30 minutes.