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OPS335 Assignment 1a - Murray Saul

8 bytes added, 10:36, 20 January 2017
Assignment Evaluation Details
===Assignment Evaluation Details===
#*Demonstrate working assignment to your instructor in class:<ol type="a"><li>Students need to demonstrate their assignment functionality to their professor during a lab period (like you would for any lab for "sign-off").</li><li>Students are required to prepare everything ahead of time so that you can quickly demonstrate to your instructor that all required parts of your assignment are working.<br><br></li></ol>#*Download and run a shell script that will check your set-up:<ol type="a"><li>Issue the command: <source>wget URL</source></li><li>Set execute permissions to the shell script called: </li><li>Run the shell script and redirect standard output to a file<br>Issue the command: <source>./shellscriptname.bash > assn1p1.txt</source></li><li>Submit the file '''assn1p1.txt''' to the dropbox for assignment #1 - Part 1 by the required due date and time.<br><Br></li></ol>#*This assignment is to be completed individually. Group submissions are not allowed.#*Test your machine to make sure it works. If a machine is not accessable (e.g. will not boot, can not be accessed through ssh from your host, etc.), or is otherwise non-functional, you may be told to resubmit.#*Late submissions are a subject to a penalty of 10% per day.
===Evaluation Rubric===

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