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OPS235 Lab 1 - CentOS7 - VMware

650 bytes added, 19:36, 19 May 2016
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<li value="2">Create a zipped archive of the centos1 directory contained in the VM storage location (noted in step1).</li><<li>Copy the zipped archive to your USB key.</li><li>To move work to your computer system running VMware Workstation, copy the archived file from your USB key to the appropriate VM storage location.<li><<li>Restore the archived file</li><li>Launch the other VMware Workstation.</li><li>Select File -> Open -> Browse to select the VM image in the centos1 subdirectory and a file labelled: centos1.vmx.</li><li>When starting the VM, you need to respond to the system prompt to confirm that you moved the VM to another platform.</li><li>Proceed to Investigation 2 to obtain basic information from your newly installed Centos Host machine.</li>

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