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OPS235 Lab 1 - CentOS7 - VMware

228 bytes added, 10:00, 18 May 2016
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# Accept the '''Typical''' (default) for the Virtual Machine Configuration setting and click '''Next'''.
# Select your '''CD/DVD player''' (''/dev/cdrom'') as the default '''physical device to install operating system from''' and click '''Next'''.
# Make certain that the Guest Operating System is set to Linux and then click '''Next'''.# Change the Virtual Machine Name to read '''centos1''' and then click '''Next'''.# Change the Disk Size to '''40 GB''' and accept the default to '''Split virtual disk into multiple files''' and then click '''Next'''.   
# in weindows On your Power on the computer again, and after booting from the CD, select from the installation menu: '''Install Centos7'''.<br><br>Note: If you experience unreadable display after you boot into your installed system, you can redo the install, but select from the install menu: ''<u>Troubleshooting</u>'' and then select ''<u>Install in Basic Graphics Mode</u>''.<br><br></li>
<li>Next, you will be prompted for a language. In the first screen, select language '''English''' with subselection '''English-Canada''' and then click the '''Continue''' button on the bottom right-hand screen.</li>

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