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OPS335 Lab 4d

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According to Wikipedia (, '''Transport Layer Security''' (TLS) and its predecessor, '''Secure Sockets Layer''' (SSL), both of which are frequently referred to as 'SSL', are cryptographic protocols designed to provide communications security over a computer network.
Normally (in production), you would need to pay a "certificate authority" to issue a '''certificate''' for you. That is essentially '''a "signed" public key''' that will tell strangers on the internet that your server is really yours (i.e. the certificate authority says so). There is an obvious problem with the previous statemen,t statement but that is mainlyy mainly how public key encryption works on the Internet today.
We will be generating our own public keys, mainly in order to avoid paying for a certificate. We will not have enough time to get into the details of what all the following commands do in this section. They are from [ this blog post]. If you don't understand what the blog post refers to but would like to understand in more details, a good recommended book for interest, called Crypto by Steven Levy, provides a more in-depth discussion of encryption and security.
#Let's start with the "sending" SMTP server we have on VM2. Run the following, replacing <u></u> with '''<u>your</u> domain name''':
<source lang="bash">mkdir -p /root/postfix-keys /etc/ssl/{private,certs}cd /root/postfix-keys
openssl genrsa -des3 -out 2048
chmod 600
openssl req -new -x509 -extensions v3_ca -keyout cakey.pem -out cacert.pem -days 3650
chmod 600 cakey.pem
cp cakey.pem /etc/ssl/private/cp cacert.pem /etc/ssl/certs/</source>
::'''NOTE:''' Those commands will create a certificate, a certificate signing request, a certificate authority, and a sign your certificate with your certificate authority.<br>This would be the same as in the real world except there you would contact a real CA, here you're making up your own.
<ol><li value="2">Now, configure Postfix to use the generated certificate, by adding the following to your '''''' file:</li></ol>
smtpd_use_tls = yes
smtp_use_tls = yes
smtpd_tls_auth_only = nosmtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/ssl/private/ = /etc/ssl/certs/
smtpd_tls_CAfile = /etc/ssl/certs/cacert.pem
tls_random_source = dev:/dev/urandom
# Let's start by generating a new certificate for Dovecot on your vm3 machine by issuing the following commands:
<source lang="bash">mkdir /etc/ssl/{private,certs}openssl genrsa -des3 -out 2048
chmod 600
openssl req -new -key -out
openssl req -new -x509 -extensions v3_ca -keyout cakey.pem -out cacert.pem -days 3650
chmod 600 cakey.pem
cp cakey.pem /etc/ssl/private/cp cacert.pem /etc/ssl/certs/</source>
::'''NOTE:''' This process is identical to what you've done for the vm2 certificate. In fact if your IMAP and SMTP servers are on the same machine (i.e. you can share the certificate between them). In our case, they are not on the same machine.
<ol><li value="2">Next, we need to configure Dovecot to use this for encrypted connections and not allow any kind of plain text connections. Edit the '''dovecot.cont''', '''10-auth.conf''' , <u>and</u> '''10-ssl.conf''' files and change the following settings:</li></ol>
<source lang="bash">ssl = required
protocols = imaps (instead of imap)</source>
<ol><li value="3">Your key/certificate doesn't have a '''.pem''' extension but they are PEM-encoded files. You can confirm that using the '''file''' command. If you're interested - here's some , learning more about configuring Dovecot for SSL, refer to the following documentation about : [ Dovecot SSL configuration].</li></ol>
=== Verifying that Mail Messages are Encrypted===
'''Perform the following steps:'''
#Use the '''netstat ''' command to confirm you're only listening on the '''imaps ''' port, and not the plain imap port.#Next, reconfigure your account settings in Thunderbird to use the '''SSL/TLS ''' connection security with your IMAP server.
::'''NOTE:''' You will get a warning because you're using a self-signed certificate, in that case, make certain to authorize the exception.
'''Record steps, commands, and your observations in INVESTIGATION 1 in your OPS335 lab log-book'''
==INVESTIGATION 2: OTHER EMAIL CONSIDERATIONS If you got to this point and everything worked (NOT COVERED IN THIS LABand you understand what you've done)==: congratulations, you have set up a working email server and you can now have an intelligent conversation with an employer about this hugely important system.
If you got to this point and everything worked (and you understand what you've done) On the other hand, even though we spent three weeks on e- congratulationsmail server configuration, you we have set up a working email server and you can now only performed the simplest possible setup. In the rest of the section, we will only list other commonly-needed services/tools/concepts that we just don't have an intelligent conversation with an employer about time for this hugely important systemsemester.
But be aware that even though we spent three weeks on Although you are <u>not</u> required to perform any of the operations below, it - we've only done is recommended to note and understand the simplest possible setup. In the rest of the section we'll list other commonlyfollowing elements to compliment a fully-needed services/tools/concepts that we just don't have time for this semesterfunctioning email system.
=== Open Relays ===
Your SMTP servers are open relays. That means if they were accessible on the internet - Internet, anyone could use them in order to send spam. This would very quickly get your server blacklisted and you'd have a very hard time getting yourself off that blacklist.
There are two common solutions for that:
# *Restrict your "sending" SMTP server to only work on your network. ISPs commonly do this. This doesn't work very well if you have mobile clients (laptops, phones) which are not always connected to your ISPs network.# *Use SASL or some other means of checking that the person trying to use the SMTP server has a valid user on the system. This way only your users will be able to use your server to relay email.
=== Sender Policy Framework (SPF ) ===
'''Sender Policy Framework (SPF )''' uses DNS to publish a list of server IP addresses that are allowed to send email for your domain. That In this way , a receiving server can check whether the sending server is authorized (i.e. message is likely not spam) or not (i.e. message is probably spam).
SPF is a pretty cool system, but it's not perfect. It works very well for single servers but if you send mail for your domain from multiple servers (and perhaps a varying number of them) - , you have are required to put in wildcards use wild-cards which lower reduce the effectiveness of this system.
=== DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM ) ===
One '''DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)''' is one of several popular spam-prevention measure measures that uses use encryption to sign messages originating from your server so that receiving servers can verify that the messages really did come from your server (the keys are published in DNS).
It's a neat idea DKIM is considered to be an interesting method, but the strength of the encryption using DKIM is pretty patheticnot high. So it's DKIM is a good deterrent against mass amounts of spam, but it doesn't really guarantee anythingother types of attacks on your email server.
=== Address Books ===
An address book has nothing to do with email, even though you might think they are related systems. Typically , an address book is a completely separate system - using either a '''CardDav ''' server (one easy to set up comes with OwnCloud) or an LDAP server. Even tightly integrated services like Microsoft's Active Directory keep the address book separate from the email.
=== Vacation Responders ===
If you think about it - , it's is not really clear what service should be responsible for sending out vacation messages. Your receiving SMTP server? Do you really want your users to be able to control that? The client? It's is probably not running.
It's usually yet another is most likely a separate service. Even though the settings to enable vacation response will usually be next to your other email settings - , they will be controlling a separate system that's hooked into your MTA.
=== Other Stuff Email Features ===
There are countless other features and extensions for email. Not to mention propietary proprietary ones like '''Gmail''', '''Yahoo mail''', '''Office 365''', etc. But having Having mastered the email portion of this course - , on the other hand, allows you will be qualified to evaluate capabilities, design integrated systems, and customise customize the email service for you organization like no regular email user can even attempt to comprehend or understand.
'''Note important considerations not covered in this INVESTIGATION into your OPS335 lab log-book'''
#Briefly define the term '''TSL'''.#Briefly define the term '''SSL'''.#List the steps to setup Encryption for Postfix with TLS.#List the steps to setup Encryption for Dovecot with SSL.#List the steps to setup Encryption for the Thunderbird application.#Provide a brief description of the following terms as they relate to mail servers:#*'''Open Relay'''#*'''SPF'''#*'''DKIM'''

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