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OPS335 Lab 4c

93 bytes added, 15:26, 11 March 2016
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This is done using postfix by setting the '''mydestination''' parameter (configuration variable) to include '''$mydomain''' (this is assuming you've set up '''mydomain''', '''myorigin''' , and '''inet_interfaces''' the same way as in the previous lab).
Perform the following steps: #Edit your the '''/etc/postfix/ ''' file and scroll .#Scroll down to (or search for) the line containing: '''mydestination'''. Set it up and change line to look like thisthe text shown below:
<pre>mydestination = $mydomain, $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost</pre>
Now even '''Note:''' Even though your machine's name is '' - '', your postfix MTA will also receive emails for addressed to the domain called:
=== LDA ===

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