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OPS235 Lab 5 - CentOS7

109 bytes added, 22:15, 17 June 2015
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<li>What is the name and size of the '''Physical Volumes'''?</li>
<li>What are the names and sizes of the '''Logical Volumes'''?</li>
<li>Is there any space in the VG which is not allocated to a LV?<br><br></li>
<li>Perform the following steps in this application to increase the size of the Click on '''homeLogical View''' file-system to '''4 GB''': <ol type="a"> <li>Click on Logical View (i.e. above home, root, swap) and then click '''Create New Logical Volume''' button.What happens? Why do you this happened?</li> <li>You should get an error? What do you think Let's Create a new partition for /dev/sda by using a graphical utility called: gparted (stands for G Partition Editor).</li> <li>While system-config-lvm utility is the problem?running, open another terminal and login as root.</li> <li>Edit Issue the '''root''' logical volume to reduce its command: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size from '''8GB''' to '''6GB''':1.2em;">yum install gparted</span></code></b> </li>
<li>Verify that the '''root''' logical volume is now '''6GB'''.</li>
<li>Now, click on '''Create New Logical Volume''' button and fill out the details for this new logical volume including: size: '''1GB''', LV Properties: '''linear''', file system: '''ext4''' file system name: '''lv_archive''' and mount it at: '''/archive'''</li>

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