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Enterprise Hyperscale Lab

18 bytes added, 22:02, 30 January 2015
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The EHL is equipped with a 15" 4:3 LCD monitor, bolted to a 4u blanking panel. This display is driven by a Raspberry Pi, and can be used to show educational information about the rack, current system status information, or diagnostic data.
=== Calxeda Energy Core 1000 /Boston Viridis ARM System ===
32-bit ARM compute is provided by a Calxeda Energy Core ECX-1000 system provided by Boston Limited. There are four installed "Energy Cards", each with 4 ECX-1000 nodes, which each have a quad-core ARM Cortex-A9 processor and a small (Cortex-M) ARM management processor. This system runs the [[Pidora]] build system (except for the Koji hub and web nodes).
=== 64-Bit ARM Compute ===

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