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[http://www.bigbluebutton.org BigBlueButton] is a free and open source web conferencing system, primarily targeted towards online lecturing by providing a virtual classroom environment, and tools for small group collaboration. However, BigBlueButton is by no means limited to classroom settings and small groups; it just means that the core features and components of BigBlueButton were developed with this target demographic in mind. The BigBlueButton name comes from the notion that starting a web conference should be as simple as pressing a metaphorical big blue button.
===Who Develops BigBlueButton?===
BigBlueButton was started in 2007 by Richard Alam, who at the time was a Master's student at Carleton University. Since then, many other individuals and organizations have become involved. The core team of developers come from [http://blindsidenetworks.com/ Blindside Networks], [http://cdot.senecacollege.ca/ Seneca CDOT], and [http://http://mconf.org/m/ Mconf].
===What Features Does BigBlueButton Have?===
BigBlueButton contains a set of components, called "modules", each containing a bunch of features. Such modules and features include:
See [https://code.google.com/p/bigbluebutton/wiki/ArchitectureOverview this] for a recent overview of BigBlueButton's server-side architecture. Behind the scenes, the BigBlueButton server uses the following technologies:
*[http://www.red5.org/ Red5]: a Flash Media Server, with "room management" (a Red5 room corresponds to a BigBlueButton meeting) allowing easy handling of message sending and streaming to only those users who connected to a specific room. Red5 holds the following BigBlueButton components:
*[http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/index.php/User:Adam_Nicholas_Sharpe Adam Sharpe] - Developer
*[http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/index.php/User:Danny_Perrone Danny Perrone] - Developer
*Maxim - Developer
*[http://142zenit.204senecac.133on.24ca/ CDOT Development Server 1 (often offline)]'''*[http://bbbdev1.googool.com/ CDOT Development Server 2 (often offline)]'''*[http://bbbdev0.googool.com/ CDOT Development Server 3 (often offline)]''' ==== Source Code Repositories ==== *[https://github.com/myprogrammingblog/polling-module Polling Module Repo]'''*[https://github.com/bigbluebutton BigBlueButton Repo]'''*[https://github.com/jtrobinson/bigbluebutton BigBlueButton + Polling Module]'''*[https://github.com/jtrobinson/Seneca-BBB-LDAP-work Seneca BBB LDAP Portal]''' ==== GitHub Help ====*[http://help.github.com/linux-set-up-git/ Setting Up Github (SSH Keys)]'''*[http://myprogrammingblog.com/2012/01/20/github-how-clone-github-repo-how-to-push-to-github-how-to-get-files-from-github-ubuntu/ GitHub tutorial - how to push, git, commit, pull and checkout]''' ==== Documentation ==== *[http://groups.google.com/group/bigbluebutton-dev BigBlueButton Developer Forum]'''*[http://groups.google.com/group/bigbluebutton-setup BigBlueButton Setup Support Forum]'''*[http://code.google.com/p/bigbluebutton/wiki/PollingModule Polling Module wiki page]'''*[http://myprogrammingblog.com/category/project-bbb/ Blog About BBB ]''' ==== Redis Database Documentation ==== *[http://wwwindex.jarvana.com/jarvana/view/redis/clients/jedis/1.3.1/jedis-1.3.1-javadoc.jar!/redis/clients/jedis/Jedis.html Jedis (Redis Java library) Documentation] '''*[http://redis.io/commands Redis Database Command List ]''' ==== Red5 server Documentation ==== *[http://trac.red5.org/wikiphp/Documentation red5 documentationBigBlueButtonOldLinks Old links]'''