no edit summary
The first day is focused on introducing the open source movement, collaborative development practices, and the Mozilla project. We will explore the technological and community aspects of Mozilla.
* Morning - S1206
* Afternoon - T4046/T4042
<table style="width: 100%;" class="standard-table" cellborder=1 border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>
<td>10:00 - 10:30</td>
<td>Welcome and course introduction.</td>
<td>10:30 - 12:00</td>
<td>Viewing of [http://www.revolution-os.com/ Revolution OS] (85 minutes).</td>
<td>12:00 - 1:00</td>
<td>1:00 - 2:00</td>
<td>Group discussion of film, open source, Mozilla.</td>
<td>2:00 - 4:00</td>
<td>Lab: IRC and collaborative on-line development.</td>
== Resources ==
* [http://www.revolution-os.com/ Revolution OS] documentary
* [http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue3_3/raymond/ The Cathedral and the Bazaar]
* [http://www.gnu.org/ GNU]
* [http://www.opensource.org/ Open Source Initiative (OSI)]
* [http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU General Public License (GPL)]
* [http://www.mozilla.org Mozilla.org]
* [http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/mitchell/archives/2007/02/the_mozilla_manifesto_introduc.html Mozilla Manifesto (0.9)]
* [http://developer.mozilla.org Mozilla Developer Center (MDC)]
* [http://addons.mozilla.org Firefox Add-ons]
* [https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/16/ ChatZilla IRC Client]
* [http://irchelp.org IRC Help]
* [http://irc.mozilla.org/ Mozilla IRC information]
* [http://www.informit.com/content/downloads/perens/0131423436_pdf.zip “Rapid Application Development with Mozilla”] complete text (somewhat outdated now)
* [http://www.webreference.com/programming/mozilla/mozilla1.jpg Mozilla] [Architecture http://www.webreference.com/programming/mozilla/mozilla2.jpg] diagrams from the above book
The first day is focused on introducing the open source movement, collaborative development practices, and the Mozilla project. We will explore the technological and community aspects of Mozilla.
* Morning - S1206
* Afternoon - T4046/T4042
<table style="width: 100%;" class="standard-table" cellborder=1 border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>
<td>10:00 - 10:30</td>
<td>Welcome and course introduction.</td>
<td>10:30 - 12:00</td>
<td>Viewing of [http://www.revolution-os.com/ Revolution OS] (85 minutes).</td>
<td>12:00 - 1:00</td>
<td>1:00 - 2:00</td>
<td>Group discussion of film, open source, Mozilla.</td>
<td>2:00 - 4:00</td>
<td>Lab: IRC and collaborative on-line development.</td>
== Resources ==
* [http://www.revolution-os.com/ Revolution OS] documentary
* [http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue3_3/raymond/ The Cathedral and the Bazaar]
* [http://www.gnu.org/ GNU]
* [http://www.opensource.org/ Open Source Initiative (OSI)]
* [http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU General Public License (GPL)]
* [http://www.mozilla.org Mozilla.org]
* [http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/mitchell/archives/2007/02/the_mozilla_manifesto_introduc.html Mozilla Manifesto (0.9)]
* [http://developer.mozilla.org Mozilla Developer Center (MDC)]
* [http://addons.mozilla.org Firefox Add-ons]
* [https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/16/ ChatZilla IRC Client]
* [http://irchelp.org IRC Help]
* [http://irc.mozilla.org/ Mozilla IRC information]
* [http://www.informit.com/content/downloads/perens/0131423436_pdf.zip “Rapid Application Development with Mozilla”] complete text (somewhat outdated now)
* [http://www.webreference.com/programming/mozilla/mozilla1.jpg Mozilla] [Architecture http://www.webreference.com/programming/mozilla/mozilla2.jpg] diagrams from the above book