Created page with '{{OOP344 Index | 20133}} Under construction! == Week 1 - Sep 3 == === This Week 1 === * Introduction to Open Source development. * Collaboration Tools: ** Wiki ** Blog ** IRC …'
{{OOP344 Index | 20133}}
Under construction!
== Week 1 - Sep 3 ==
=== This Week 1 ===
* Introduction to Open Source development.
* Collaboration Tools:
** Wiki
** Blog
** IRC
** Code Repository
**: Git, Svn, ....
** Big Blue Button
* Etherpad
** [http://etherpad.proximity.on.ca:9001 Seneca Etherpad]
** http://primarypad.com/
* Object Orientation Review
* C Review
*: main Function return value
*: pointers
*: pointers and arrays
=== To Do 1===
==== Due Sep 6th (Friday) 18:00 ====
# Create an account on [https://github.com github]
## Make sure your account name is presentable. This name will stay with you forever.
## Make sure your information on github is complete (real name, email, etc...)
# Send ONE email to [mailto:fardad.soleimanloo@senecacollege.ca?subject=344Github20133 me(Fardad)] containing your git hub id
#: subject of the email should be '''''344Github20133'''''
#: '''''email content'''''
#: name: Your Name (exactly as it appears on your Seneca student card)
#: nickname: Your Nick name (how friends usually call you)
#: Git hub ID: your Github id
==== Due by Sep 8th, 23:59 ====
# Create a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog blog] (anywhere you like or use the one you already have)
# Join the IRC by [http://www.wikihow.com/Register-a-User-Name-on-Freenode registering your nickname on freenode] server and joining the #seneca-oop344 channel for 344 related dialog
#: Additional channels of interest: #seneca to interact with all Seneca students participating in opensource projects, and #seneca-social for Social (off-topic) dialog.
# Read [http://git-scm.com/book Pro-git book]
#: Chapter One and Chapter Two
# Create an account on this wiki: send an email to [mailto:cdot-wiki-admin@senecac.on.ca?subject=Wiki+account+request cdot-wiki-admin@senecac.on.ca] and ask for an account, an email will be sent back to you with your userid and a temporary password; make sure you have the following included in your email.
#* Email subject: Wiki Account Request
#* The subject you are enrolled in: "OOP344"
#* Your Seneca user id
#* Send this email from your Seneca Account only
# Learn how to do basic editing in a wiki
=== Resources 1 ===
* [http://etherpad.proximity.on.ca:9001/p/oop344_20133B-1 Etherpad]
* Git
** [http://git-scm.com/book Pro-git book]
** [[GIT for OOP344 Projects]]
** Great 15 minutes tutorial that will give you basic understanding of Git
**: [http://try.github.com/levels/1/challenges/1 Try GitHub]
** [http://www.sourcetreeapp.com Git GUI Client for Mac ]
** [http://windows.github.com/ Github Client for Windows]
** [https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys Generating SSH keys for github]
* Wiki
* [http://www.wikihow.com/Register-a-User-Name-on-Freenode How to register your IRC nickname on freenode]
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Internet_Relay_Chat_clients Compare IRC clients]
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:How_to_edit_a_page How To edit Wiki pages]
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Cheatsheet How To edit Wiki Cheatsheet]
* Blogs
** [http://wordpress.com/ Wordpress]
** [http://www.blogger.com/ Blogger]
** [https://www.tumblr.com/ Tumblr]
* IRC:
** Clients:
**: [http://www.silverex.org/download/ XChat 2 (Windows)]
**: [http://colloquy.info/downloads.html Colloquy Colloguy (Mac)]
**: [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/chatzilla/ ChatZilla (Multi-platform)]
**: [http://clicksandwhistles.com/download.php Clicks & Whistles (Windows)]
** How to Install [http://wiki.tryphon.eu/how_to_install_xchat XChat]
** [http://www.ircbeginner.com/ircinfo/ircc-commands.html IRC Basic Commands]
==Week 2 - Sep 10==
===This Week 2===
* C++ Review (Lecture)
** Pointers and arrays
** Object Orientation
** Classes and privacy
** Helpers and Friends
** Inheritance and polymorphism
** Operators
** Dynamic Memory
** pre-processor directives
* Git review (Lab)
*: [http://rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/ Git_Guide]
*: [http://git-scm.com/docs/git-clone clone], [http://git-scm.com/docs/git-pull pull], [http://git-scm.com/docs/git-push push]
*: [http://git-scm.com/docs/git-add add], [http://git-scm.com/docs/git-commit commit], [http://git-scm.com/docs/git-branch branch]
===To Do 2===
*If you have not already, request an account on this wiki (admin email can be found on wiki login page, top right of the screen)
*Add your information to [[Student List 20133 - OOP344|The Student List]] as soon as possible
<br />
*Git Exercise: ([https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys You need to generate an SSH key before you can do this exercise])
** Fork the [https://github.com/Seneca-OOP344/Exercise1 exercise 1 repo from github] into your account
** Clone the repo in your account to your local machine
** Open the solution in Visual Studio 2012
** Find the errors in the program and fix them (Discussing this on the IRC channel is encouraged, but supplying answers is frowned upon)
** Check your output against the [[oop344-ex1-output]] to be sure you corrected the program properly
** Once complete, add the file to your git stage and commit it with a message that details what you did to fix the program
** Push the commit back to your git repository
===Resources 2===
* Single resource that will give you all the knowledge you need about pointers, including information given in the last two classes. WARNING! Reading online tutorials is NOT a substitute to visiting in-class lectures.
*: [http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/pointers/ Everything you always wanted to know about pointers, but were afraid to ask]
* Type Casing in C++.
*: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oa_fWKQACAo Casting in C++ (YouTube Video)]
*: [http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/typecasting/ Type casting in detail (Documentation)]
* Void Type
*: [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ebh2k5sc.aspx Pointers to Type Void (MSDN link)]
* Function Pointers
*: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBJoGKVnZYI C++ Function Pointers].
*: [http://www.learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/78-function-pointers/ C++ Function Pointers in detail].
==Week 3 - Sep 17==
===This Week 3===
* pre-processor directives
** macros
** Conditional Compilation
* Operators
** logical
** lazy eval
* consts
** values
** pointers
** methods
* void pointers
* default args
* typedef, (including C usage)
* namespace
===To Do 3===
* Write a program called basicMath:
$ bm 2 + 3<Enter>
$ 5
$ bm 2 x 3<Enter>
$ 6
$ bm Heehaw the hoohoo<Enter>
$ bm <number> <+-x/> <number><ENTER>
* Write a function that receives the env[] array and an environment variable name and returns the value.
* Write a function called strncat that concats several strings
strncat(des, "Hello", " I am ", "testing ", "this!", 0);
Code these, blog and discuss it....
[http://www.example.com link title]
{{collapsible header|Blog Posts 3|3|collapsed}}
* [http://blog.fardad.com/2013/09/basic-math-challege-oop344.html Fardad's hint on basicMath]
*Wei-Hao Lo's Solution for basicMath Problem.
*:[https://github.com/weiLo/BaseMath/blob/master/basicMath.cpp Wei-Hao Lo's Code]
*Here is my Solution to basicMath problem:
*:[http://adamsharpe8.blogspot.ca/2013/09/basic-math.html Adam's Blog]
*:Zhen's slight improvement to Adam's code
*:[http://zenoop344.blogspot.ca/2013/09/improvement-to-adams-code.html Adam's code]
*Andrew's Solution for basicMath problem:
*:[http://adaniele87.tumblr.com/ Andrew's Blog]
*:Len's slight improvement to Andrew's code
*:[http://lenisac.wordpress.com/2013/09/21/week-3-basic-math/ Len's code]
*Zach's Solution for basicMath problem:
*:[http://zachdhoward.wordpress.com/2013/09/20/include-stdio/ Zach's Blog]
*Zhen's Solution for basicMath problem:
*:[http://zenoop344.blogspot.ca/2013/09/include-include-include-int-mainint.html Zhen's code]
*:Ragu's slight modification to Zhen's code
*:[http://ragu-oop344.blogspot.ca/2013/09/modification-to-zhens-basic-math-program.html Ragu's Code]
*Sehui's Solution for basicMath problem:
*:[http://mikesayhi.wordpress.com/2013/09/21/to-do-3-basic-math/ Sehui's code]
*Mohammad's Solution for basicMath problem:
*:[http://m-aryafar.blogspot.ca/2013/09/basic-math.html Link to code]
*Kirill's Solution for basicMath problem:
*:[http://asapcpp.tumblr.com/post/61967592711/basicmath Kirill's code]
*Brad's Solution for basicMath problem:
*:[http://bradc14.wordpress.com/2013/09/22/week-3-excercise/ Brad's Blog]
*Dima's Solution for basicMath problem:
*:[http://rudeshko.net/blog/?p=9 Dima's Code]
*Qin's Solution for basicMath problem:
*:[http://janty001.wordpress.com/2013/09/22/qins-solution-for-basicmath-problem/ Qin's Blog]
*Benson's Solution for basicMath problem:
*:[http://wongbsn.blogspot.ca/2013/09/oop344-basic-math.html Benson's Blog]
*Luke Jingwei Sun@YorkBuster's Solution for the BasicMath problem:
*:[http://blog.xparthas.com/?p=393 ParBlog]
Takes advantage of:
*:Object Oriented Concepts which include the class
*:Preprocessor macro
*:[https://github.com/Parthas-Menethil/basicMath GitHub source code of all stages(Feel free to folk and improve)]
*Dimple's solution for basicmath problem
*:[http://dimpleamin204.blogspot.ca/2013/09/following-is-my-solution-for-basicmath.html SecA:Dimple Amin]
*Roman's solution for basicmath problem
*:[http://rkorostelev.wordpress.com/2013/09/24/basicmath-program Roman's Blog]
*Hyunsu Lee's solution for basicmath problem
*:[http://lliillaa50.blogspot.ca/ Noname]
*Justin Chow's magnificent solution to the basicmath problem
*:[http://jachow1.wordpress.com/2013/09/24/solution-to-basicmath/ Justin's answer]
*Yunki Lee's solution for basicmath problem
*:[http://ylee80.blogspot.ca/ Yunki's Blog]
*Andrey's solution for basicmath problem
*:[http://andreybarkov.tumblr.com/ Andrey's Blog]
*Dmitry's solution for basicmath problem
*:[http://dimon222-zone.blogspot.ca/2013/10/basicmath-implementation-on-c.html Dmitry's Blog]
*Nak Gui's solution for basicmath problem
*:[http://freeppro.blogspot.ca/2013/09/basic-math.html Nak Gui's Blog]
*Haysean's solution for basicMath problem
*:[http://codegenetix.blogspot.com/2013/09/basicMath.html Haysean's Blog]
*Ruojia's solution for basicMath problem
*:[http://avoinchen.wordpress.com/2013/09/28/basicmath/ Ruojia's Blog]
*Koghu's solution for basicMath problem
*:[http://koghu1.wordpress.com/2013/09/29/command-line-argument-basic-math/ Koghu's Blog]
*Gabriel's solution for basicMath problem
*:[http://gabrielgaglianone.tumblr.com/day/2013/09/30/ Gabriel's Blog]
*Lina's solution for basicMath problem
*:[http://linajung.blogspot.ca/2013_10_01_archive.html Gyeongmin (Lina)'s Blog]
*Dima's solution for basicMath problem
*:[http://hamabama.ru/blog/basicmath.html Dmitry Yastremskiy's Blog]
*Dima's solution for environmental variables function
*:[http://hamabama.ru/blog/env.html Dmitry Yastremskiy's Blog]
*Hoon's solution for basicMath problem
*:[http://eseol.blogspot.ca/2013/10/basicmath-c-program.html Euihoon (Hoon)'s Blog]
*Kamlesh's solution for basicMath problem
*:[http://kamleshkorat.wordpress.com/2013/10/ Kamlesh Korat's Blog]
*Shaohua's solution for basicMath problem
*:[http://shliu2.wordpress.com/2013/10/06/basicmath-c/ Shao's Blog]
*Justin Sean Wilkin's solution
*:[http://jswilkin.wordpress.com/2013/09/24/basicmath/ BasicMath on Justin's Blog]
===Resources 3===
* Void Pointers
*: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9wVGiqm54I Using void pointers (YouTube Video)]
* macros - Variable arguments list
*Command Line Arguments
==Week 4 - Sep 24==
===This Week 4===
* Project introduction
* [http://lisyonok85.wordpress.com/2013/05/29/project/ Project Diagram (as drawn in class)]
*: bio, cio
* Declaration modifiers
*: auto (C++ 11)
*: [http://www.learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/811-static-member-variables/ static]
*: [http://www.learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/42-global-variables/ extern]
*: const (pointers, methods, variables)
* [http://faculty.cs.niu.edu/~mcmahon/CS241/Notes/compile.html compilation process]
*Real Signature of main()
*Variable Argument list
===To Do 4===
*Download project from github (do not fork, your code must remain private)
{{collapsible header|Blog Posts 4|3|collapsed}}
===Resources 4===
* [https://github.com/Seneca-OOP344/20133notes/tree/master/SecB/06-Sep24/CIO CIO Library]
** contains the bconsole.h and bconsole.cpp files for the assignment, also contains a start to the assignment with a near complete console.h file and a non-finalized version of the display method, and a rough skeleton of the edit method
==Week 5 - Oct 01==
===This Week 5===
* Pointers (function pointers)
* DMA continued
* [http://www.learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/122-virtual-functions/ Virtuals]
*: Review
*: Pure Virtual [http://www.learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/126-pure-virtual-functions-abstract-base-classes-and-interface-classes/ Pure Virtual & Abstract Base Classes]
*: Abstract Base Classes
* team assignments
*: github private repos
* Project introduction
===To Do 5===
* Release 0.1 (the Console class) is due Wednesday Oct 09 23:59
*: Details of how to submit will be announced later
{{collapsible header|Blog Posts 5|3|collapsed}}
*[http://adaniele87.tumblr.com/post/63099194354/drive-a-car-with-your-display-method Andrew Daniele's Car blog]
**the main.cpp code in this blog post will use your display method to drive a car around in the terminal
===Resources 5===
*:[http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/function-pointers.html Function Pointers]
*:[http://www.programmerinterview.com/index.php/c-cplusplus/pure-virtual-function/ Pure Virtual]
==Week 6 - Oct 08==
===This Week 6===
* Linked Lists
===To Do 6===
* Challenge
*: do depth() copy constructor and reverse() for the stack in oct 08 lecture code: [https://github.com/Seneca-OOP344/20133notes/tree/master/SecB/10-Oct08 secB Oct08]
* reverse() is supposed to make stack in reversed order (Dmitry Romanenko)
{{collapsible header|Blog Posts 6|3|collapsed}}
*Here is my solution to the stack copy constructor, and reverse stack problems:
*:[http://adamsharpe8.blogspot.ca/2013/10 Adam's Blog]
*Jesse's reverse() function for a Stack
*:[http://www.m-i-rite.com/reversing-a-stack-in-c/ Jesse's Blog]
*Yu Zhu Zhao's stack copy constructor and reverse() function
*:[http://yzhao91.wordpress.com/2013/10/09/stack-copy-constructor/ Copy Constructor]
*:[http://yzhao91.wordpress.com/2013/10/09/reverse/ Reverse]
*unsigned int Stack::depth() - method used the source from the lecture
*:[http://jungminwp.wordpress.com/2013/10/09/unsigned-int-stackdepth-check-how-many-elements/ Stack::depth()]
*Mohammad's Copy Constructor and reverse() method
*:[http://m-aryafar.blogspot.ca/2013/10/reverse-and-copy-constructor.html Mohammad's Blog]
*Sehui Park's Copy Constructor/ depth() / reverse()
*:[http://mikesayhi.wordpress.com/2013/10/10/copy-construct-depth-reverse/ Sehui's Blog]
*Nak Gui Choi's Copy Constructor/ depth() / reverse()
*:[http://freeppro.blogspot.ca/2013/10/copy-constructor-reverse-depth-in.html#!/2013/10/copy-constructor-reverse-depth-in.html Nak Gui Choi's Blog]
*Ragu's Stack Copy Constructor, depth() method, and reverse() method
*:[http://ragu-oop344.blogspot.ca Ragu's Linked List Blog Post]
*Yunki Lee's solution for Stacked Link Lists
*:[http://ylee80.blogspot.ca/ Yunki's Blog]
*Benson's solution for the copy constructor, depth(), and reverse()
*:[http://wongbsn.blogspot.ca/2013/10/what-busy-week-with-tests-assignments.html Benson's Blog]
*Haysean's solution for the copy construcor, depth() method and reverse() method
*:[http://codegenetix.blogspot.ca/2013/10/stack.html Haysean's Blog]
*fabj2's blog post about linked list (sec. c)
*:[http://ftseneca.wordpress.com/2013/10/16/linked-lists/ Fabj2's Blog]
*Kyno's blog about linked list (Sec. C)
*:[http://objectoriented344.blogspot.ca/ Kyno's Blog]
===Resources 6===
*Linked Lists: http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/lesson15.html
*Linked Lists (video): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5wJkJJpKtM&sns=em
==Week 7 - Oct 15==
===This Week 7===
* Project review
* Templates
* Linked lists
===To Do 7===
* Convert the dynamic integer array, done in class([https://github.com/Seneca-OOP344/20133notes/blob/master/SecB/09-Oct04/intarray6.cpp intArray] OR [https://github.com/Seneca-OOP344/20133notes/blob/master/SecA/09-Oct07/arrayOfIntArrays.cpp Array Of intArray]), to a template and blog about it.
{{collapsible header|Blog Posts 7|3|collapsed}}
*Benson's template for Array of intArray
*:[http://wongbsn.blogspot.ca/2013/10/introduction-to-templates.html Benson's Blog]
===Resources 7===
==Week 8 - Oct 22 (STUDY break)==
===This Week 8===
===To Do 8===
{{collapsible header|Blog Posts 8|3|collapsed}}
*Thana's Doubly Linked List - No Iter yet(Sec C)
*:[http://bwafflesoop344.blogspot.ca/2013/10/doubly-linked-list.html Thana's Blog]
*DLL exercise (Xu Liu) _Sec C
** still have issues with iterator working with list(2013-10-21)
** after re-implementing, it seems work(2013-10-25)
*:[http://eric506.wordpress.com/2013/10/21/oop344_exercise-doubly-linked-list-iterator/ eric506 | Blog for OOP344]
*Doubly Linked lists - Justin Chow
**Will not protect against crazy stuff you do in the main.
*:[http://jachow1.wordpress.com/ Techno-Mega blog]
*Doubly - Fabj2 (section c)
*:[http://ftseneca.wordpress.com/2013/10/25/9/ fabj2 blog]
*Doubly Linked List with Iterator (Luke Jingwei Sun@Section C)
** A simulation to the standard iterator and list.
*:[http://blog.xparthas.com/?p=410 ParBlog]
*My attempt at a Doubly Linked List ( Brad Clement - Section C )
*:[http://bradc14.wordpress.com/ Brad's Blog]
===Resources 8===
==Week 9 - Oct 29==
* Section AB:
** Initializing vs Setting/Assigning Objects
* Section C:
** Linked List Review
** Templates
===This Week 9===
* Test One
*# Section A and B
*#: Section A, Nov 4th
*#: Section B, Nov 1st
*#: References Allowed: 2 bound packs of paper (i.e. text book and class notes) Single sheets not allowed.
*#: what is going to be on the test?
*#: everything from ipc144 to linked lists in oop344
*# Section C:
===To Do 9===
{{collapsible header|Blog Posts 9|3|collapsed}}
===Resources 9===
==Week 10 - Nov 5==
===This Week 10===
* Section AB:
** Casting
*** Overload Casting
** Linked List w/ Templates
* Section C:
** Templates Continued
** Template Specialization
** typename
** Enums
** Nested Classes
===To Do 10===
Section C Exercise: [https://scs.senecac.on.ca/~jp.hughes/?q=node/14 CYODT EX1]<br />
Section C Exercise: [https://scs.senecac.on.ca/~jp.hughes/?q=node/15 CYODT EX2]
{{collapsible header|Blog Posts 10|3|collapsed}}
*Kyno's Workshop Templates - (Sec C)
*:[http://objectoriented344.blogspot.ca/2013/11/templates-practice.html Kyno's Blog]
===Resources 10===
==Week 11 - Nov 12==
===This Week 11===
* Section AB:
** Bitwise Operators
** Exceptions
*** Try
*** Throw
*** Catch
* Section C:
** Implicit Casting Operators
** std::string
** std::vector
** stl iterators
** stl algorithms
** Recursion
** Introduction to multiple inheritance
===To Do 11===
*Section C Exercise: [https://scs.senecac.on.ca/~jp.hughes/?q=node/16 CYODT EX3]
{{collapsible header|Blog Posts 11|3|collapsed}}
* Binary to Decimal conversion http://lenisac.wordpress.com/2013/11/16/binary-to-decimal-conversion-program/
* Integers/Floats to Binary conversion:
*:[http://wongbsn.blogspot.ca/2013/11/integer-and-floating-point-numbers-to.html Benson's Blog]
*[http://adaniele87.tumblr.com/post/67169380864/binary-operators Bitwise Operators I], [http://adaniele87.tumblr.com/post/67205107136/binary-operators-ii-reverse-bits Bitwise Operators II], [http://adaniele87.tumblr.com/post/67667784656/binary-operators-iii-add-subtract-using-binary Bitwise Operators III] I wrote this to practice bitwise operators, feel free to play around with it for your own practice
* Bit class http://yzhao91.wordpress.com/2013/11/29/bit-class/
===Resources 11===
*Templates - YouTube link (Bucky's C++ Programming Tutorials, videos 58-61): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0aoAm6eYSk
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XykJzVbrf3s Application of Bitwise Operations] very good video on bitwise operators
==Week 12 - Nov 19==
===This Week 12===
*Section ABC:
**Multiple Inheritance
***Memory Structures
***Diamond Inheritance
***Virtual Inheritance
***Template Inheritance(Section C)
*Section AB:
***read/write files
***copying files
***binary vs text
*Section C:
**Exceptions Intro
===To Do 12===
{{collapsible header|Blog Posts 12|3|collapsed}}
* Benson's Blog: [http://wongbsn.blogspot.ca/2013/11/a-class-for-bits.html Bit Pattern Class], [http://wongbsn.blogspot.ca/2013/11/set-bits-function.html setBits function]
* Andrew's Blog: [http://adaniele87.tumblr.com/post/67845189283/bitwise-operators-challenge-v2 Bitwise Operators Challenge]
* Adam's Blog: [http://adamsharpe8.blogspot.ca/2013/11/templated-bits-class.html Templated Bits class]
* Len's Blog: [http://lenisac.wordpress.com/2013/11/26/added-binarybitwise-operators-program-to-github/ Bitwise Operators blog], [https://github.com/lkisac/My-Programs/tree/master/BinaryOperators/BinaryOperators github program link]
* Ragu's Blog: [http://ragu-oop344.blogspot.ca/ My BitsPattern Blog Post]
===Resources 12===
* A good tool for viewing and editing binary files: [http://www.hhdsoftware.com/ Free Hex Editor Neo]
==Week 13 - Nov 26==
===This Week 13===
*Section AB:
**Test 2:
**:[https://github.com/Seneca-OOP344/20133notes/tree/master/SectAB-Shared/test2 Test 2 solution on Github]
**Friday Class is canceled!
**BigBlueButton help sessions will be on Saturday and Sunday, (Time will be announced Later)
*Section C:
**Exceptions (Cont)
***Exception classes
***Multiple Catches
**New Keywords
**Constrained Casting
**Bit-Wise Operators
***and ( & )
***or ( | )
***xor ( ^ )
***negate ( ~ )
***left bit shift ( << )
***right bit shift ( >> )
**Binary File Access
***Casting to and from byte arrays
===To Do 13===
{{collapsible header|Blog Posts 13|3|collapsed}}
* Kirill's Blog - [http://asapcpp.tumblr.com/post/68215930927/int-bitpattern-int-val-int-pos-int-b CopyPattern] [http://asapcpp.tumblr.com/post/68223239367/bit-h bit.h] [http://asapcpp.tumblr.com/post/68223197605/bit-cpp bit.cpp]
* Dmitry's Blog - [http://dimon222-zone.blogspot.ca/2013/11/copypattern-from-byte-to-integer.html CopyPattern from byte to integer]
*Jan's Blog - [http://paradoxmeltdown.blogspot.ca/2013/11/oop344-bit-class-exercise.html Bit Class]
*Andrew's Blog - [http://adaniele87.tumblr.com/post/68219102345/study-help-oop344-sec-ab Study guide.. possibly?]
*Len's Blog - [http://lenisac.wordpress.com/2013/11/30/inputoutput-practice-using-fstream/ fstream practice programs]
*Yu Zhu Zhao's blog - [http://yzhao91.wordpress.com/2013/12/03/templates-and-files/ File practice]
===Resources 13===
* [http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/comphelp/v8v101/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.xlcpp8a.doc%2Flanguage%2Fref%2Fcplr134.htm Multiple Inheritance: Introduction]
* [http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/virtual_inheritance.html Multiple Inheritance: Virtual Inheritance]
==Week 14 - Dec 3==
===This Week 14===
===To Do 14===
===Resources 14===
==Exam Week ==
* Wednesday Dec 11th, at 11:30
*: OOP344AB, Room: S3031
*: OOP344C, Room: S2148
* Reference sheets?
** 2 sets of bound notes (book + notes) allowed
** Should be set (stapled papers or whatever)
Under construction!
== Week 1 - Sep 3 ==
=== This Week 1 ===
* Introduction to Open Source development.
* Collaboration Tools:
** Wiki
** Blog
** IRC
** Code Repository
**: Git, Svn, ....
** Big Blue Button
* Etherpad
** [http://etherpad.proximity.on.ca:9001 Seneca Etherpad]
** http://primarypad.com/
* Object Orientation Review
* C Review
*: main Function return value
*: pointers
*: pointers and arrays
=== To Do 1===
==== Due Sep 6th (Friday) 18:00 ====
# Create an account on [https://github.com github]
## Make sure your account name is presentable. This name will stay with you forever.
## Make sure your information on github is complete (real name, email, etc...)
# Send ONE email to [mailto:fardad.soleimanloo@senecacollege.ca?subject=344Github20133 me(Fardad)] containing your git hub id
#: subject of the email should be '''''344Github20133'''''
#: '''''email content'''''
#: name: Your Name (exactly as it appears on your Seneca student card)
#: nickname: Your Nick name (how friends usually call you)
#: Git hub ID: your Github id
==== Due by Sep 8th, 23:59 ====
# Create a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog blog] (anywhere you like or use the one you already have)
# Join the IRC by [http://www.wikihow.com/Register-a-User-Name-on-Freenode registering your nickname on freenode] server and joining the #seneca-oop344 channel for 344 related dialog
#: Additional channels of interest: #seneca to interact with all Seneca students participating in opensource projects, and #seneca-social for Social (off-topic) dialog.
# Read [http://git-scm.com/book Pro-git book]
#: Chapter One and Chapter Two
# Create an account on this wiki: send an email to [mailto:cdot-wiki-admin@senecac.on.ca?subject=Wiki+account+request cdot-wiki-admin@senecac.on.ca] and ask for an account, an email will be sent back to you with your userid and a temporary password; make sure you have the following included in your email.
#* Email subject: Wiki Account Request
#* The subject you are enrolled in: "OOP344"
#* Your Seneca user id
#* Send this email from your Seneca Account only
# Learn how to do basic editing in a wiki
=== Resources 1 ===
* [http://etherpad.proximity.on.ca:9001/p/oop344_20133B-1 Etherpad]
* Git
** [http://git-scm.com/book Pro-git book]
** [[GIT for OOP344 Projects]]
** Great 15 minutes tutorial that will give you basic understanding of Git
**: [http://try.github.com/levels/1/challenges/1 Try GitHub]
** [http://www.sourcetreeapp.com Git GUI Client for Mac ]
** [http://windows.github.com/ Github Client for Windows]
** [https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys Generating SSH keys for github]
* Wiki
* [http://www.wikihow.com/Register-a-User-Name-on-Freenode How to register your IRC nickname on freenode]
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Internet_Relay_Chat_clients Compare IRC clients]
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:How_to_edit_a_page How To edit Wiki pages]
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Cheatsheet How To edit Wiki Cheatsheet]
* Blogs
** [http://wordpress.com/ Wordpress]
** [http://www.blogger.com/ Blogger]
** [https://www.tumblr.com/ Tumblr]
* IRC:
** Clients:
**: [http://www.silverex.org/download/ XChat 2 (Windows)]
**: [http://colloquy.info/downloads.html Colloquy Colloguy (Mac)]
**: [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/chatzilla/ ChatZilla (Multi-platform)]
**: [http://clicksandwhistles.com/download.php Clicks & Whistles (Windows)]
** How to Install [http://wiki.tryphon.eu/how_to_install_xchat XChat]
** [http://www.ircbeginner.com/ircinfo/ircc-commands.html IRC Basic Commands]
==Week 2 - Sep 10==
===This Week 2===
* C++ Review (Lecture)
** Pointers and arrays
** Object Orientation
** Classes and privacy
** Helpers and Friends
** Inheritance and polymorphism
** Operators
** Dynamic Memory
** pre-processor directives
* Git review (Lab)
*: [http://rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/ Git_Guide]
*: [http://git-scm.com/docs/git-clone clone], [http://git-scm.com/docs/git-pull pull], [http://git-scm.com/docs/git-push push]
*: [http://git-scm.com/docs/git-add add], [http://git-scm.com/docs/git-commit commit], [http://git-scm.com/docs/git-branch branch]
===To Do 2===
*If you have not already, request an account on this wiki (admin email can be found on wiki login page, top right of the screen)
*Add your information to [[Student List 20133 - OOP344|The Student List]] as soon as possible
<br />
*Git Exercise: ([https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys You need to generate an SSH key before you can do this exercise])
** Fork the [https://github.com/Seneca-OOP344/Exercise1 exercise 1 repo from github] into your account
** Clone the repo in your account to your local machine
** Open the solution in Visual Studio 2012
** Find the errors in the program and fix them (Discussing this on the IRC channel is encouraged, but supplying answers is frowned upon)
** Check your output against the [[oop344-ex1-output]] to be sure you corrected the program properly
** Once complete, add the file to your git stage and commit it with a message that details what you did to fix the program
** Push the commit back to your git repository
===Resources 2===
* Single resource that will give you all the knowledge you need about pointers, including information given in the last two classes. WARNING! Reading online tutorials is NOT a substitute to visiting in-class lectures.
*: [http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/pointers/ Everything you always wanted to know about pointers, but were afraid to ask]
* Type Casing in C++.
*: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oa_fWKQACAo Casting in C++ (YouTube Video)]
*: [http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/typecasting/ Type casting in detail (Documentation)]
* Void Type
*: [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ebh2k5sc.aspx Pointers to Type Void (MSDN link)]
* Function Pointers
*: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBJoGKVnZYI C++ Function Pointers].
*: [http://www.learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/78-function-pointers/ C++ Function Pointers in detail].
==Week 3 - Sep 17==
===This Week 3===
* pre-processor directives
** macros
** Conditional Compilation
* Operators
** logical
** lazy eval
* consts
** values
** pointers
** methods
* void pointers
* default args
* typedef, (including C usage)
* namespace
===To Do 3===
* Write a program called basicMath:
$ bm 2 + 3<Enter>
$ 5
$ bm 2 x 3<Enter>
$ 6
$ bm Heehaw the hoohoo<Enter>
$ bm <number> <+-x/> <number><ENTER>
* Write a function that receives the env[] array and an environment variable name and returns the value.
* Write a function called strncat that concats several strings
strncat(des, "Hello", " I am ", "testing ", "this!", 0);
Code these, blog and discuss it....
[http://www.example.com link title]
{{collapsible header|Blog Posts 3|3|collapsed}}
* [http://blog.fardad.com/2013/09/basic-math-challege-oop344.html Fardad's hint on basicMath]
*Wei-Hao Lo's Solution for basicMath Problem.
*:[https://github.com/weiLo/BaseMath/blob/master/basicMath.cpp Wei-Hao Lo's Code]
*Here is my Solution to basicMath problem:
*:[http://adamsharpe8.blogspot.ca/2013/09/basic-math.html Adam's Blog]
*:Zhen's slight improvement to Adam's code
*:[http://zenoop344.blogspot.ca/2013/09/improvement-to-adams-code.html Adam's code]
*Andrew's Solution for basicMath problem:
*:[http://adaniele87.tumblr.com/ Andrew's Blog]
*:Len's slight improvement to Andrew's code
*:[http://lenisac.wordpress.com/2013/09/21/week-3-basic-math/ Len's code]
*Zach's Solution for basicMath problem:
*:[http://zachdhoward.wordpress.com/2013/09/20/include-stdio/ Zach's Blog]
*Zhen's Solution for basicMath problem:
*:[http://zenoop344.blogspot.ca/2013/09/include-include-include-int-mainint.html Zhen's code]
*:Ragu's slight modification to Zhen's code
*:[http://ragu-oop344.blogspot.ca/2013/09/modification-to-zhens-basic-math-program.html Ragu's Code]
*Sehui's Solution for basicMath problem:
*:[http://mikesayhi.wordpress.com/2013/09/21/to-do-3-basic-math/ Sehui's code]
*Mohammad's Solution for basicMath problem:
*:[http://m-aryafar.blogspot.ca/2013/09/basic-math.html Link to code]
*Kirill's Solution for basicMath problem:
*:[http://asapcpp.tumblr.com/post/61967592711/basicmath Kirill's code]
*Brad's Solution for basicMath problem:
*:[http://bradc14.wordpress.com/2013/09/22/week-3-excercise/ Brad's Blog]
*Dima's Solution for basicMath problem:
*:[http://rudeshko.net/blog/?p=9 Dima's Code]
*Qin's Solution for basicMath problem:
*:[http://janty001.wordpress.com/2013/09/22/qins-solution-for-basicmath-problem/ Qin's Blog]
*Benson's Solution for basicMath problem:
*:[http://wongbsn.blogspot.ca/2013/09/oop344-basic-math.html Benson's Blog]
*Luke Jingwei Sun@YorkBuster's Solution for the BasicMath problem:
*:[http://blog.xparthas.com/?p=393 ParBlog]
Takes advantage of:
*:Object Oriented Concepts which include the class
*:Preprocessor macro
*:[https://github.com/Parthas-Menethil/basicMath GitHub source code of all stages(Feel free to folk and improve)]
*Dimple's solution for basicmath problem
*:[http://dimpleamin204.blogspot.ca/2013/09/following-is-my-solution-for-basicmath.html SecA:Dimple Amin]
*Roman's solution for basicmath problem
*:[http://rkorostelev.wordpress.com/2013/09/24/basicmath-program Roman's Blog]
*Hyunsu Lee's solution for basicmath problem
*:[http://lliillaa50.blogspot.ca/ Noname]
*Justin Chow's magnificent solution to the basicmath problem
*:[http://jachow1.wordpress.com/2013/09/24/solution-to-basicmath/ Justin's answer]
*Yunki Lee's solution for basicmath problem
*:[http://ylee80.blogspot.ca/ Yunki's Blog]
*Andrey's solution for basicmath problem
*:[http://andreybarkov.tumblr.com/ Andrey's Blog]
*Dmitry's solution for basicmath problem
*:[http://dimon222-zone.blogspot.ca/2013/10/basicmath-implementation-on-c.html Dmitry's Blog]
*Nak Gui's solution for basicmath problem
*:[http://freeppro.blogspot.ca/2013/09/basic-math.html Nak Gui's Blog]
*Haysean's solution for basicMath problem
*:[http://codegenetix.blogspot.com/2013/09/basicMath.html Haysean's Blog]
*Ruojia's solution for basicMath problem
*:[http://avoinchen.wordpress.com/2013/09/28/basicmath/ Ruojia's Blog]
*Koghu's solution for basicMath problem
*:[http://koghu1.wordpress.com/2013/09/29/command-line-argument-basic-math/ Koghu's Blog]
*Gabriel's solution for basicMath problem
*:[http://gabrielgaglianone.tumblr.com/day/2013/09/30/ Gabriel's Blog]
*Lina's solution for basicMath problem
*:[http://linajung.blogspot.ca/2013_10_01_archive.html Gyeongmin (Lina)'s Blog]
*Dima's solution for basicMath problem
*:[http://hamabama.ru/blog/basicmath.html Dmitry Yastremskiy's Blog]
*Dima's solution for environmental variables function
*:[http://hamabama.ru/blog/env.html Dmitry Yastremskiy's Blog]
*Hoon's solution for basicMath problem
*:[http://eseol.blogspot.ca/2013/10/basicmath-c-program.html Euihoon (Hoon)'s Blog]
*Kamlesh's solution for basicMath problem
*:[http://kamleshkorat.wordpress.com/2013/10/ Kamlesh Korat's Blog]
*Shaohua's solution for basicMath problem
*:[http://shliu2.wordpress.com/2013/10/06/basicmath-c/ Shao's Blog]
*Justin Sean Wilkin's solution
*:[http://jswilkin.wordpress.com/2013/09/24/basicmath/ BasicMath on Justin's Blog]
===Resources 3===
* Void Pointers
*: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9wVGiqm54I Using void pointers (YouTube Video)]
* macros - Variable arguments list
*Command Line Arguments
==Week 4 - Sep 24==
===This Week 4===
* Project introduction
* [http://lisyonok85.wordpress.com/2013/05/29/project/ Project Diagram (as drawn in class)]
*: bio, cio
* Declaration modifiers
*: auto (C++ 11)
*: [http://www.learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/811-static-member-variables/ static]
*: [http://www.learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/42-global-variables/ extern]
*: const (pointers, methods, variables)
* [http://faculty.cs.niu.edu/~mcmahon/CS241/Notes/compile.html compilation process]
*Real Signature of main()
*Variable Argument list
===To Do 4===
*Download project from github (do not fork, your code must remain private)
{{collapsible header|Blog Posts 4|3|collapsed}}
===Resources 4===
* [https://github.com/Seneca-OOP344/20133notes/tree/master/SecB/06-Sep24/CIO CIO Library]
** contains the bconsole.h and bconsole.cpp files for the assignment, also contains a start to the assignment with a near complete console.h file and a non-finalized version of the display method, and a rough skeleton of the edit method
==Week 5 - Oct 01==
===This Week 5===
* Pointers (function pointers)
* DMA continued
* [http://www.learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/122-virtual-functions/ Virtuals]
*: Review
*: Pure Virtual [http://www.learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/126-pure-virtual-functions-abstract-base-classes-and-interface-classes/ Pure Virtual & Abstract Base Classes]
*: Abstract Base Classes
* team assignments
*: github private repos
* Project introduction
===To Do 5===
* Release 0.1 (the Console class) is due Wednesday Oct 09 23:59
*: Details of how to submit will be announced later
{{collapsible header|Blog Posts 5|3|collapsed}}
*[http://adaniele87.tumblr.com/post/63099194354/drive-a-car-with-your-display-method Andrew Daniele's Car blog]
**the main.cpp code in this blog post will use your display method to drive a car around in the terminal
===Resources 5===
*:[http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/function-pointers.html Function Pointers]
*:[http://www.programmerinterview.com/index.php/c-cplusplus/pure-virtual-function/ Pure Virtual]
==Week 6 - Oct 08==
===This Week 6===
* Linked Lists
===To Do 6===
* Challenge
*: do depth() copy constructor and reverse() for the stack in oct 08 lecture code: [https://github.com/Seneca-OOP344/20133notes/tree/master/SecB/10-Oct08 secB Oct08]
* reverse() is supposed to make stack in reversed order (Dmitry Romanenko)
{{collapsible header|Blog Posts 6|3|collapsed}}
*Here is my solution to the stack copy constructor, and reverse stack problems:
*:[http://adamsharpe8.blogspot.ca/2013/10 Adam's Blog]
*Jesse's reverse() function for a Stack
*:[http://www.m-i-rite.com/reversing-a-stack-in-c/ Jesse's Blog]
*Yu Zhu Zhao's stack copy constructor and reverse() function
*:[http://yzhao91.wordpress.com/2013/10/09/stack-copy-constructor/ Copy Constructor]
*:[http://yzhao91.wordpress.com/2013/10/09/reverse/ Reverse]
*unsigned int Stack::depth() - method used the source from the lecture
*:[http://jungminwp.wordpress.com/2013/10/09/unsigned-int-stackdepth-check-how-many-elements/ Stack::depth()]
*Mohammad's Copy Constructor and reverse() method
*:[http://m-aryafar.blogspot.ca/2013/10/reverse-and-copy-constructor.html Mohammad's Blog]
*Sehui Park's Copy Constructor/ depth() / reverse()
*:[http://mikesayhi.wordpress.com/2013/10/10/copy-construct-depth-reverse/ Sehui's Blog]
*Nak Gui Choi's Copy Constructor/ depth() / reverse()
*:[http://freeppro.blogspot.ca/2013/10/copy-constructor-reverse-depth-in.html#!/2013/10/copy-constructor-reverse-depth-in.html Nak Gui Choi's Blog]
*Ragu's Stack Copy Constructor, depth() method, and reverse() method
*:[http://ragu-oop344.blogspot.ca Ragu's Linked List Blog Post]
*Yunki Lee's solution for Stacked Link Lists
*:[http://ylee80.blogspot.ca/ Yunki's Blog]
*Benson's solution for the copy constructor, depth(), and reverse()
*:[http://wongbsn.blogspot.ca/2013/10/what-busy-week-with-tests-assignments.html Benson's Blog]
*Haysean's solution for the copy construcor, depth() method and reverse() method
*:[http://codegenetix.blogspot.ca/2013/10/stack.html Haysean's Blog]
*fabj2's blog post about linked list (sec. c)
*:[http://ftseneca.wordpress.com/2013/10/16/linked-lists/ Fabj2's Blog]
*Kyno's blog about linked list (Sec. C)
*:[http://objectoriented344.blogspot.ca/ Kyno's Blog]
===Resources 6===
*Linked Lists: http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/lesson15.html
*Linked Lists (video): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5wJkJJpKtM&sns=em
==Week 7 - Oct 15==
===This Week 7===
* Project review
* Templates
* Linked lists
===To Do 7===
* Convert the dynamic integer array, done in class([https://github.com/Seneca-OOP344/20133notes/blob/master/SecB/09-Oct04/intarray6.cpp intArray] OR [https://github.com/Seneca-OOP344/20133notes/blob/master/SecA/09-Oct07/arrayOfIntArrays.cpp Array Of intArray]), to a template and blog about it.
{{collapsible header|Blog Posts 7|3|collapsed}}
*Benson's template for Array of intArray
*:[http://wongbsn.blogspot.ca/2013/10/introduction-to-templates.html Benson's Blog]
===Resources 7===
==Week 8 - Oct 22 (STUDY break)==
===This Week 8===
===To Do 8===
{{collapsible header|Blog Posts 8|3|collapsed}}
*Thana's Doubly Linked List - No Iter yet(Sec C)
*:[http://bwafflesoop344.blogspot.ca/2013/10/doubly-linked-list.html Thana's Blog]
*DLL exercise (Xu Liu) _Sec C
** still have issues with iterator working with list(2013-10-21)
** after re-implementing, it seems work(2013-10-25)
*:[http://eric506.wordpress.com/2013/10/21/oop344_exercise-doubly-linked-list-iterator/ eric506 | Blog for OOP344]
*Doubly Linked lists - Justin Chow
**Will not protect against crazy stuff you do in the main.
*:[http://jachow1.wordpress.com/ Techno-Mega blog]
*Doubly - Fabj2 (section c)
*:[http://ftseneca.wordpress.com/2013/10/25/9/ fabj2 blog]
*Doubly Linked List with Iterator (Luke Jingwei Sun@Section C)
** A simulation to the standard iterator and list.
*:[http://blog.xparthas.com/?p=410 ParBlog]
*My attempt at a Doubly Linked List ( Brad Clement - Section C )
*:[http://bradc14.wordpress.com/ Brad's Blog]
===Resources 8===
==Week 9 - Oct 29==
* Section AB:
** Initializing vs Setting/Assigning Objects
* Section C:
** Linked List Review
** Templates
===This Week 9===
* Test One
*# Section A and B
*#: Section A, Nov 4th
*#: Section B, Nov 1st
*#: References Allowed: 2 bound packs of paper (i.e. text book and class notes) Single sheets not allowed.
*#: what is going to be on the test?
*#: everything from ipc144 to linked lists in oop344
*# Section C:
===To Do 9===
{{collapsible header|Blog Posts 9|3|collapsed}}
===Resources 9===
==Week 10 - Nov 5==
===This Week 10===
* Section AB:
** Casting
*** Overload Casting
** Linked List w/ Templates
* Section C:
** Templates Continued
** Template Specialization
** typename
** Enums
** Nested Classes
===To Do 10===
Section C Exercise: [https://scs.senecac.on.ca/~jp.hughes/?q=node/14 CYODT EX1]<br />
Section C Exercise: [https://scs.senecac.on.ca/~jp.hughes/?q=node/15 CYODT EX2]
{{collapsible header|Blog Posts 10|3|collapsed}}
*Kyno's Workshop Templates - (Sec C)
*:[http://objectoriented344.blogspot.ca/2013/11/templates-practice.html Kyno's Blog]
===Resources 10===
==Week 11 - Nov 12==
===This Week 11===
* Section AB:
** Bitwise Operators
** Exceptions
*** Try
*** Throw
*** Catch
* Section C:
** Implicit Casting Operators
** std::string
** std::vector
** stl iterators
** stl algorithms
** Recursion
** Introduction to multiple inheritance
===To Do 11===
*Section C Exercise: [https://scs.senecac.on.ca/~jp.hughes/?q=node/16 CYODT EX3]
{{collapsible header|Blog Posts 11|3|collapsed}}
* Binary to Decimal conversion http://lenisac.wordpress.com/2013/11/16/binary-to-decimal-conversion-program/
* Integers/Floats to Binary conversion:
*:[http://wongbsn.blogspot.ca/2013/11/integer-and-floating-point-numbers-to.html Benson's Blog]
*[http://adaniele87.tumblr.com/post/67169380864/binary-operators Bitwise Operators I], [http://adaniele87.tumblr.com/post/67205107136/binary-operators-ii-reverse-bits Bitwise Operators II], [http://adaniele87.tumblr.com/post/67667784656/binary-operators-iii-add-subtract-using-binary Bitwise Operators III] I wrote this to practice bitwise operators, feel free to play around with it for your own practice
* Bit class http://yzhao91.wordpress.com/2013/11/29/bit-class/
===Resources 11===
*Templates - YouTube link (Bucky's C++ Programming Tutorials, videos 58-61): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0aoAm6eYSk
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XykJzVbrf3s Application of Bitwise Operations] very good video on bitwise operators
==Week 12 - Nov 19==
===This Week 12===
*Section ABC:
**Multiple Inheritance
***Memory Structures
***Diamond Inheritance
***Virtual Inheritance
***Template Inheritance(Section C)
*Section AB:
***read/write files
***copying files
***binary vs text
*Section C:
**Exceptions Intro
===To Do 12===
{{collapsible header|Blog Posts 12|3|collapsed}}
* Benson's Blog: [http://wongbsn.blogspot.ca/2013/11/a-class-for-bits.html Bit Pattern Class], [http://wongbsn.blogspot.ca/2013/11/set-bits-function.html setBits function]
* Andrew's Blog: [http://adaniele87.tumblr.com/post/67845189283/bitwise-operators-challenge-v2 Bitwise Operators Challenge]
* Adam's Blog: [http://adamsharpe8.blogspot.ca/2013/11/templated-bits-class.html Templated Bits class]
* Len's Blog: [http://lenisac.wordpress.com/2013/11/26/added-binarybitwise-operators-program-to-github/ Bitwise Operators blog], [https://github.com/lkisac/My-Programs/tree/master/BinaryOperators/BinaryOperators github program link]
* Ragu's Blog: [http://ragu-oop344.blogspot.ca/ My BitsPattern Blog Post]
===Resources 12===
* A good tool for viewing and editing binary files: [http://www.hhdsoftware.com/ Free Hex Editor Neo]
==Week 13 - Nov 26==
===This Week 13===
*Section AB:
**Test 2:
**:[https://github.com/Seneca-OOP344/20133notes/tree/master/SectAB-Shared/test2 Test 2 solution on Github]
**Friday Class is canceled!
**BigBlueButton help sessions will be on Saturday and Sunday, (Time will be announced Later)
*Section C:
**Exceptions (Cont)
***Exception classes
***Multiple Catches
**New Keywords
**Constrained Casting
**Bit-Wise Operators
***and ( & )
***or ( | )
***xor ( ^ )
***negate ( ~ )
***left bit shift ( << )
***right bit shift ( >> )
**Binary File Access
***Casting to and from byte arrays
===To Do 13===
{{collapsible header|Blog Posts 13|3|collapsed}}
* Kirill's Blog - [http://asapcpp.tumblr.com/post/68215930927/int-bitpattern-int-val-int-pos-int-b CopyPattern] [http://asapcpp.tumblr.com/post/68223239367/bit-h bit.h] [http://asapcpp.tumblr.com/post/68223197605/bit-cpp bit.cpp]
* Dmitry's Blog - [http://dimon222-zone.blogspot.ca/2013/11/copypattern-from-byte-to-integer.html CopyPattern from byte to integer]
*Jan's Blog - [http://paradoxmeltdown.blogspot.ca/2013/11/oop344-bit-class-exercise.html Bit Class]
*Andrew's Blog - [http://adaniele87.tumblr.com/post/68219102345/study-help-oop344-sec-ab Study guide.. possibly?]
*Len's Blog - [http://lenisac.wordpress.com/2013/11/30/inputoutput-practice-using-fstream/ fstream practice programs]
*Yu Zhu Zhao's blog - [http://yzhao91.wordpress.com/2013/12/03/templates-and-files/ File practice]
===Resources 13===
* [http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/comphelp/v8v101/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.xlcpp8a.doc%2Flanguage%2Fref%2Fcplr134.htm Multiple Inheritance: Introduction]
* [http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/virtual_inheritance.html Multiple Inheritance: Virtual Inheritance]
==Week 14 - Dec 3==
===This Week 14===
===To Do 14===
===Resources 14===
==Exam Week ==
* Wednesday Dec 11th, at 11:30
*: OOP344AB, Room: S3031
*: OOP344C, Room: S2148
* Reference sheets?
** 2 sets of bound notes (book + notes) allowed
** Should be set (stapled papers or whatever)