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Mozilla@Seneca Cluster Administration/Steps for Creating a Generic VM

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This page describes how to setup a generic VM that can be used to quickly bring up new ones. Use this page as a checklist when setting up a generic VM.

Steps for Creating a Generic Linux VM

Steps for Creating a Generic Windows VM

  1. Install Linux
  2. Set the root password (ask Ben for it)
  3. Disable any network connections (except lo)
  4. Set the hostname to "generic-$distro_name"
  5. Make sure all updates are installed
  6. Install the following software:
  • ssh server (enabled)
  • apache (disabled)
  • vnc server (disabled)
  • gcc, autotools
  1. Install Windows
  2. Set the Administrator password (ask Ben for it)
  3. Disable all network connections
  4. Set the hostname to "generic-$windowsversion"
  5. Make sure all updates are installed
  6. Install the following software:
  • Cygwin
  • Visual C++ 2005
  • Visual C++ 2003
  • RDP server (enabled)