MAP524/DPS924 Lab 3
Due: in the lab period, need professor sign-off.
Create a simple Android app, named AndroidGuide, that meets the following specification:
You are asked to develop a mobile Android app such that a beginner can use to learn about the Android Development Framework.
Remember you are allowed to use resources from the internet but you must add comments to your code (and/or xml files) saying where you got that code.
The Android app should perform as follows:
Part A (minimum)
- The first screen has instructions followed by a button. The button is labelled as "Terminology".
- On the Action Bar, the title of the app is "Android Guide".
- A click on the overflow menu button will display two menu options, namely "Help" and "About".
- When the "Help" menu item is selected, a "Help" screen (an activity) will display with a brief description about the functionality of the two buttons (in english, with text that makes sense).
- When the "About" menu item is selected, an "About" screen will display your full name and your program of study at Seneca. If you have time: make the about screen look like a dialog, not taking out the entire phone screen.
- Note that the onclick handler signature for a menu item is slightly different from a button.
Part B (full marks)
- When the "terminology" button is clicked, a second screen will come to the foreground. It displays instructions, followed by an AutoCompleteText View.
- A list of suggestions will pop up after the user has entered two characters. Your list of suggestions should contain ALL the commands used in labs 1 and 2. These words must be stored in strings.xml.
- When a particular word or phrase is selected, a toast will display a brief description and/or definition of the word. The descriptions should also be stored in strings.xml.
Show me:
- Your application functioning, including all the features you completed.
- Your java code.
- Your layout XML files.
- Your strings.xml file.
- With attribution for any non-original work (which I expect is the majority of it).