Student List 20133 - OOP344

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OOP344 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Teams | Project | Student Resources

OOP344 Student List for Fall of 2013

Make sure you have the following done before you add your name here:

  • You have a registered name for IRC; server.
  • You have a blog for OOP344 either by filtering your posts or a dedicated blog.

Please add your information to the student list table below by adding the following row to the table (if you are a student in oop344, fall of 2013).

|[[User:WUN|FN]]||LN||[[TPN|TN]]||SEC||[ LID]||[[Special:Contributions/WUN|WUN]]||IN||GH|| [http://BURL BN]

Replace the following with your own information when adding the row to the table:

  • WUN:Your Wiki User name
  • FN: Your First Name
  • LN: Your Last Name
  • TPN: Your Team Page Name on wiki (Your team page is already created, please see Teams' List 20133 - OOP344)
  • TN: Your Team name
  • SEC: Your OOP344 Section (example: A, B or C)
  • LID: Your seneca email ID (learn id)
  • IN: Your IRC Registered Nickname
  • GH: Your GitHub ID
  • BURL:Your Blog URL
  • BN:Your Blog Title

Do Not add your row unless you have all the above information.

If your information is not added to the following line, your work and assignments will not be marked.

OOP344 - Fall of 2013 student list
First Name Last Name Team Name Section Seneca Id wiki id IRC nick GITHUB ID Blog URL
Davson Wandja N/A B Davson Wandja DV_W dwandja C++ object oriented programming language
Brad Clement ?? C Brad Clement bclement bradc14 Brad's Blog
Shane Narciso ?? C Shane Alexander Narciso sanarciso ThatDude22 OOP344 Blog
Dmitry Romanenko ?? A dromanenko Dmitry Romanenko dimon222 dimon222 Dmitry's blog
Dmitry Yastremskiy TN B Dmitry Yastremskiy Hamabama Hamabama Hamabama's world
Jungmin Ji ?? A Jungmin Ji mistysnake jungmin-github Breeze
Jingwei Sun YorkBusters C jsun72 Jingwei Sun John_Titor Parthas-Menethil ParBlog
Haysean Maharajah ?? B hmaharajah Haysean Maharajah codegenetix codegenetix Haysean's Blog
Gabriel Castro ?? C Gabriel Castro Londono GzFighter GzFighter Gabriel's Blog
Shao Liu ?? C shliu2 Shao Hua Liu Catshl shliu2 Shao's Blog
Wei Xia ?? C wxia11 Wei Xia wei111 wxia11 Wei's Blog
Benson Wong ?? B bwong53 Benson Wong wongbsn wongbsn Benson's Blog
Weida Wang ?? C wwang144 Weida Wang aishuishui wwang144 wwang144
Dave Dooney ?? C ddooney David Dooney bakoomerang bakoomerang Dave's Blog
Joanna Madden ?? C jmadden Joanna Madden jmadden jcsmadden Talk Nerdy To Me: An Adult's Guide To Back To School
Gilbert Quach ?? B gquach Gilbert Quach GilbertQuach QuachGilbert Gilbert's Blog
Jie Wen Wu ?? C jwwu4 Wu Jie Wen jwwu4 winglesswu Winglesswu's Blog
Xu Liu TBA C xliu171 Eric506 eric506 eric506 eric506 | Blog for OOP344
Gyeongmin Jung TN A gjung1 Gyeongmin Jung lulu1 gjung1 OOP344
Jonathan Hivon ? B jhivon Jonathan Hivon OoBb johivon Jo's Blog
Dima Rudeshko ?? C Dmytro Rudeshko sQuaDx rudeshko Dima Rudeshko's Blog
Thana Annis ?? C tannis Thana Annis Bwaffles Bwaffles1 OOP344
Kamleshkumar Korat ?? C kjkorat Kamleshkumar Jayantibhai Korat Maverick344 kamleshkorat Kamlesh Korat's Blog
Justin Chow ?? C jachow1 Justin Chow kickpuncher kickpuncher Justin's Blog
Jesse Conner ?? B jgconner Jesse Conner m_i_rite mirite Jesse's Blog
Mohammad-Reza Akbari ??? A makbari11 Mohammad-Reza Akbari reza_akbari mohammad-reza-akbari Reza's Blog
Saulius Grybas ??? A sgrybas Saulius Grybas Sgrybas sauliusgrybas Saulius's Blog
Kathleen Leong ?? B kleong3 Kathleen Leong katieleong katieleong Kathleen's Blog
Lorin Varvarici ?? C lvarvarici Lorin Varvarici Northborne Northborne Lorin's Blog
Fabrizio Tomassi ?? C ftomassi Fabrizio Tomassi fabj2 fabj2 Fabrizio's Blog
Santiago Nieto ?? C sanietogarzon Santiago Andres Nieto Garzon sanietogarzon sanietogarzon Santi's Blog
Yan Song TBD A ysong55 Yan Song puerile ysong55 Sophomoric OOP344ing
Zhenyang Chen ?? A zchen91 Zhenyang Chen crans crans Leash
Alvaro Lemus ?? C lemusa4 Alvaro Lemus Kyno alemus4 Kyno's Blog
Arlene Lee n/a C alee110 Arlene Lee Zephyr135 Zephyr135 KakuKaku
Bushra Mohamed ?? B bomohamed Bushra Omer Mohamed BushiM BushraM Bushra's Blog