Team G - OOP344 - 20132
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Master Status
- Master (last pushed/being pushed) by Kevin Sidhu
- R.01 Passes all tests
- Ugly code, Need to refine
Programming Style
- 1 space between keyword (if, do, while, for), the condition braces, and the {
- 2 spaces for indentation
- Do not use tab character
- If statement (short one-line statement):
if (condition) doSomething(); // space between if and ( )
- If statement (multi-line or long one line statement):
if (condition) { // space between if ( ) and {
// do something // use this for short one-line statements if you'd like
- If else statement:
if (condition) {
// do something
} else if (condition) { // notice spaces
// do something
} else { // if else statements always use blocks even with short one line statements
// do something
- While statement (short one line statements):
while (condition) doSomething(); //notice spaces
while (condition) {
// do something
- Function declaration:
void doSomething(int arg1, char arg2) { //notice spaces
// do something
Variable Naming
int main() {
int a = 1;
char* bookNames;
char bookId
return 0;
- Try to avoid abbreviations unless very well known please:
int main() {
int letterCount // Good
int numCount // Good
int ltrCnt // Bad
int numErrors // Good
int n // Bad - unknown meaning
int nerr // Bad - ambiguous
Team Members
Add table rows by replacing sample table row, cell values with yours
First Name | Last Name | Section | Seneca Id & email | wiki id | IRC nick | GITHUB ID | Blog URL |
Kevin | Sidhu | B | kssidhu1 | Kevin Sidhu | Coios | Coios | [
Kevin Codes |
first name | last name | A | EmailId | Xin Li | IRC ID | Github ID | [http://YourBlogURL
Blog Name] |
first name | last name | A | EmailId | Zhun Xue | IRC ID | Github ID | [http://YourBlogURL
Blog Name] |