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BBB Weekly Log
Week of Feb 24th
Week Day |
Today's work |
Blog URL(optional)
Sunday |
Monday |
Presented the Polling Module in our Teaching With Technology Day workshop; finally set up a "professional" Twitter account |
Tuesday |
Adjusted core shortcut key system, began developing shortcut keys for Polling module, added a weird bug. |
Blog Post
Wednesday |
Resolved Tuesday's bug, discovered a new one. Tried to untangle the cause of it. |
Post 1 Post 2
Thursday |
Continued investigating Wednesday's new bug, concerning the Poll menu updating properly when clicked but not when accessed via shortcut. |
Friday |
Solved Wednesday's bug, began working on a smaller related bug. Solved that bug as well. |
Saturday |
Wrote up some Wiki material on developing within the accessibility framework for BBB Flash client. |
Blog BigBlueButton Accessibility Instructions
Weekly Blog
Week of March 3
Week Day |
Today's work |
Blog URL(optional)
Sunday |
Finished BBB Accessibility Documentation, added it to BBB Wiki as well |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Started adding Polling shortcuts to Help window, putting shortcut framework into main polling window |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Put in shortcuts for the various views of Polling instructions window, wrote my belated week-in-review post for last week (oops), fixed some permission slipups in other shortcuts |
Friday |
Worked on Modify bug |
Saturday |
Weekly Blog
Week of March 10
Week Day |
Today's work |
Blog URL(optional)
Sunday |
Monday |
Continued adding accessibility features to Presenter side of Polling, noted areas of improvement. |
Tuesday |
More accessibility work |
Wednesday |
Took day off, having made the hours on Tuesday. Started feeling sick. |
Thursday |
Sick |
Friday |
Sick |
Saturday |
Sick |
Weekly Blog
Week of March 17
Week Day |
Today's work |
Blog URL(optional)
Sunday |
Monday |
Put in the last of the obvious Presenter-side hotkeys |
Tuesday |
NVDA testing of Presenter-side polling |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Weekly Blog
Week of March 24
Week Day |
Today's work |
Blog URL(optional)
Sunday |
Monday |
Worked on Preview and Voting window accessibility for Polling module |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Verified basic accessible functionality for Polling module, worked on minor issues (listed in blog post) |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Weekly Blog
Week Day |
Today's work |
Blog URL(optional)
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Weekly Blog