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GPU610/DPS915 | Student List | Group and Project Index | Student Resources | Glossary

Team: M-N-M

Team Members

  1. Muhammad Ahsan
  2. Nitin Prakash Panicker
  3. Mohamed Baig

Email All

Potential Projects

Project Name Project Description Status
C Compiler Take the compilation process and transfer it to the GPU failed
Galactic Collision Simulation A 2D simulation of two galaxies colliding, with fully simulated gravity effects. cannot benefit from parallel computing,already fast enough
Isomorphism of graphs Check if two graphs are isomorphic in nature. This is a very straight forward program. failed
Image Processing Mathematical operations applied to images for colour negation, rotation, blurring effects, etc. scrapped
Facial Recognition system Speed up time taken to match face with database already CUDA enabled
Steganography Speed up the process of encrypting one type of file into another Profiled
Prime number generator Generate prime numbers Profiled
LZW File compression Compress files using Lempel-Ziv-Welch algorithm Profiled


Assignment 1

Mohamed Baig: Steganography using Steghide

Steghide has certain dependencies that it uses to complete its function.
Makefile changes made
  • libmash
  • libcrypt
  • libjpeg
  • zlib
  • Ran the Configure file to see if I have all the Dependencies
  • Installed the all the dependencies
  • Ran Configure again to generate Makefile in the src folder
  • Altered the Makefile to enable profiling
  • Altered some source files to avoid errors


#include "AuSampleValues.h"

// AuMuLawSampleValue
template <> //My change
const BYTE AuMuLawSampleValue::MinValue = 0 ;
template <> //My change
const BYTE AuMuLawSampleValue::MaxValue = BYTE_MAX ;

// AuPCM8SampleValue
template <> //My change
const SBYTE AuPCM8SampleValue::MinValue = SBYTE_MIN ;
template <> //My change
const SBYTE AuPCM8SampleValue::MaxValue = SBYTE_MAX ;

// AuPCM16SampleValue
template <> //My change
const SWORD16 AuPCM16SampleValue::MinValue = SWORD16_MIN ;
template <> //My change
const SWORD16 AuPCM16SampleValue::MaxValue = SWORD16_MAX ;

// AuPCM32SampleValue
template <> //My change
const SWORD32 AuPCM32SampleValue::MinValue = SWORD32_MIN ;
template <> //My change
const SWORD32 AuPCM32SampleValue::MaxValue = SWORD32_MAX ;


#ifndef SH_AUDATA_H
#define SH_AUDATA_H

#include "BinaryIO.h"
#include "AudioData.h"

// AuMuLawAudioData
typedef AudioDataImpl<AuMuLaw,BYTE> AuMuLawAudioData ;
template <> //My change
inline BYTE AuMuLawAudioData::readValue (BinaryIO* io) const { return (io->read8()) ; }
template <> //My change
inline void AuMuLawAudioData::writeValue (BinaryIO* io, BYTE v) const { io->write8(v) ; }

// AuPCM8AudioData
typedef AudioDataImpl<AuPCM8,SBYTE> AuPCM8AudioData ;
template <> //My change
inline SBYTE AuPCM8AudioData::readValue (BinaryIO* io) const { return ((SBYTE) io->read8()) ; }
template <> //My change
inline void AuPCM8AudioData::writeValue (BinaryIO* io, SBYTE v) const { io->write8((BYTE) v) ; }

// AuPCM16AudioData
typedef AudioDataImpl<AuPCM16,SWORD16> AuPCM16AudioData ;
template <> //My change
inline SWORD16 AuPCM16AudioData::readValue (BinaryIO* io) const { return ((SWORD16) io->read16_be()) ; }
template <> //My change
inline void AuPCM16AudioData::writeValue (BinaryIO* io, SWORD16 v) const { io->write16_be((UWORD16) v) ; }

// AuPCM32AudioData
typedef AudioDataImpl<AuPCM32,SWORD32> AuPCM32AudioData ;
template <> //My change
inline SWORD32 AuPCM32AudioData::readValue (BinaryIO* io) const { return ((SWORD32) io->read32_be()) ; }
template <> //My change
inline void AuPCM32AudioData::writeValue (BinaryIO* io, SWORD32 v) const { io->write32_be((UWORD32) v) ; }

#endif // ndef SH_AUDATA_H
  • The result of embedding kilobytes of text data into an image
Flat profile:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
  %   cumulative   self              self     total          
 time   seconds   seconds    calls   s/call   s/call  name   
 13.38      0.21     0.21  1318276     0.00     0.00  Selector::idxX(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int*) const
 11.47      0.39     0.18  4054789     0.00     0.00  Vertex::getDegree() const
  9.55      0.54     0.15   659139     0.00     0.00  Selector::calculate(unsigned int)
  7.64      0.66     0.12   659141     0.00     0.00  JpegFile::getEmbeddedValue(unsigned int) const
  7.01      0.77     0.11   659139     0.00     0.00  __gnu_cxx::hashtable<std::pair<unsigned int const, unsigned int>, unsigned int, __gnu_cxx::hash<unsigned int>, std::_Select1st<std::pair<unsigned int const, unsigned int> >, std::equal_to<unsigned int>, std::allocator<unsigned int> >::resize(unsigned long)
  6.37      0.87     0.10   328293     0.00     0.00  JpegFile::getSampleValue(unsigned int) const
  5.73      0.96     0.09        1     0.09     0.09  Selector::~Selector()
  3.82      1.02     0.06        1     0.06     0.09  JpegFile::read(BinaryIO*)
  • The result of attempting to embed 1.7 GB of data into an image
Flat profile:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
  %   cumulative   self              self     total          
 time   seconds   seconds    calls   s/call   s/call  name   
 54.43     21.52    21.52 1192388169     0.00     0.00  BitString::_append(bool)
 16.79     28.15     6.64 593200712     0.00     0.00  BitString::operator[](unsigned long) const
  9.30     31.83     3.68 74898412     0.00     0.00  BitString::append(unsigned char, unsigned short)
  4.78     33.72     1.89        3     0.63     6.41  BitString::append(BitString const&)
  3.50     35.10     1.39                             BitString::BitString(unsigned long)
  1.91     35.86     0.76                             BitString::clear()
  1.29     36.37     0.51        1     0.51    37.26  Embedder::Embedder()
  1.20     36.84     0.48 37823336     0.00     0.00  BinaryIO::eof() const

Assignment 1

Muhammad Ahsan: Prime Number Generator( 1,000,000,000 primes)

Flat profile

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
  %   cumulative   self              self     total           
 time   seconds   seconds    calls  Ts/call  Ts/call  name    
100.00     53.83    53.83                             get_primes(unsigned long)
  0.00     53.83     0.00       27     0.00     0.00  void std::vector<unsigned long, std::allocator<unsigned long> >::_M_emplace_back_aux<unsigned long const&>(unsigned long const&&&)
  0.00     53.83     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  _GLOBAL__sub_I__Z10get_primesm

Assignment 1

Nitin Prakash Panicker: LZW File Compression

Flat profile:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.

  %   cumulative   self              self     total           

 time   seconds   seconds    calls  ns/call  ns/call  name    

 99.46     48.19    48.19                             CLZWCompressFile::Compress(char*, char*)

  0.33     48.35     0.16 17122488     9.34     9.34  CLZWCompressFile::getc_src()

  0.21     48.45     0.10  7095561    14.09    14.09  CLZWCompressFile::putc_comp(int)

Source Code for LZW File Compression





/* LZW.h by N.A.Bozinis @ 19/01/2010 08:55:52

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


 * Plain C++ port of LZW compression algorithm and code originally (c) Mark R. Nelson

 * http://marknelson.us/1989/10/01/lzw-data-compression

 * Variable bit length encoding idea and code originally by Michael Dipperstein

 * http://michael.dipperstein.com/lzw


 * There are a lot of compression classes floating around but most are based on the

 * zlib (zip/unzip) library, which is good but a bit of overkill for simple and small

 * code. LZW combines decent compression ratios with very small code footprint. If

 * you need something more powerful here are a few resources:


 *      http://www.codeproject.com/KB/files/zip_utils.aspx

 *      http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cpp/xzipunzip.aspx

 *      http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cpp/ChauMemzip.aspx


 * Microsoft types can check the CAB protocol that is available in all windows:

 *      http://www.codeproject.com/KB/files/CABCompressExtract.aspx

 *      http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb417343.aspx



#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <limits.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <assert.h>

#define ATLASSERT assert

/* NOTE: function and variable names left as much as possible matching the original

	LZW.c by Mark, naturally bundled in classes to get rid of static/globals etc


#define MIN_CODE_LEN    9                   /* min # bits in a code word */

#define MAX_CODE_LEN    20                  /* max # bits in a code word */

#define CURRENT_MAX_CODES(x)     (1UL << (x))

#define FIRST_CODE      (1 << CHAR_BIT)     /* value of 1st string code */


#error Code words must be larger than 1 character


#if (MAX_CODE_LEN >= 25)

#error Code words must fit in an integer



 * Instead of using a fixed number of bits for code words, we start at 9 (=MIN_CODE_LEN)

 * and go up to BITS (<=MAX_CODE_LEN) so that small files are tightly packed and larger

 * files are fine too. The BITS constant determines the maximum hash table size. For 18

 * this means 250KB runtime table size which is enough for files ~4MB.

 * There is no problem for files larger than that; if we run out of table space for new

 * codes then the same codes are emitted (uncompressed obviously)


#define BITS 17                   /* Setting the number of bits to 12, 13*/

#define HASHING_SHIFT (BITS-8)    /* or 14 affects several constants.    */

#define MAX_VALUE (1 << BITS) - 1 /* Note that MS-DOS machines need to   */

#define MAX_CODE MAX_VALUE - 1    /* compile their code in large model if*/

				  /* 14 bits are selected.               */

#if BITS == 20

	#define TABLE_SIZE 1048583

#elif BITS == 19

	#define TABLE_SIZE 524309

#elif BITS == 18

	#define TABLE_SIZE 262147

#elif BITS == 17

	#define TABLE_SIZE 131101

#elif BITS == 16

	#define TABLE_SIZE 65543

#elif BITS == 15

	#define TABLE_SIZE 32797

#elif BITS == 14

  #define TABLE_SIZE 18041        /* The string table size needs to be a */

				  /* prime number that is somewhat larger*/

#elif BITS == 13                  /* than 2**BITS.                       */

  #define TABLE_SIZE 9029

#elif BITS == 12

  #define TABLE_SIZE 5021


#error define smaller or bigger table sizes



#error your prime numbers need attention



#error BITS can only go up to a maximum



 This class does most of the job, except reading source and writing the compressed data

 A derived class does that so that there's flexibility to read either from files or memory


class CLZWImpl {


int *code_value;                  /* This is the code value array        */

unsigned int *prefix_code;        /* This array holds the prefix codes   */

unsigned char *append_character;  /* This array holds the appended chars */

unsigned char decode_stack[4000]; /* This array holds the decoded string */

unsigned char CUR_BITS;           /* ~nab: added for variable bit size */

/* we are processing bits but in the end of the day we do I/O in bytes */

int input_bit_count, output_bit_count;

unsigned long input_bit_buffer, output_bit_buffer;


CLZWImpl() {

	code_value = 0;

	prefix_code = 0;

	append_character = 0;


~CLZWImpl() {








int get_bits() { return CUR_BITS; }


int Init() {

	ATLASSERT(!code_value); /* call just once */


	prefix_code=(unsigned int*)malloc(TABLE_SIZE*sizeof(unsigned int));

	append_character=(unsigned char*)malloc(TABLE_SIZE*sizeof(unsigned char));

	return code_value != 0 && prefix_code != 0 && append_character != 0;


/* override these 4: read a byte from source */

virtual int getc_src() = 0;

/* read a byte from compressed source (during expansion) and write to compressed output */

virtual int getc_comp() = 0;

/* write a byte to compressed output */

virtual int putc_comp(int ch) = 0;

/* write a byte to expanded output */

virtual int putc_out(int ch) = 0;


** This is the compression routine.  The code should be a fairly close

** match to the algorithm accompanying the article.



void compress()


unsigned int next_code;

unsigned int character;

unsigned int string_code;

unsigned int index;

unsigned int bit_limit;

int i;

	ATLASSERT(code_value); /* initialized? */


	bit_limit = CURRENT_MAX_CODES(CUR_BITS) - 1;




	next_code=FIRST_CODE;       /* Next code is the next available string code*/

	for (i=0;i<TABLE_SIZE;i++)  /* Clear out the string table before starting */


  string_code=getc_src();      /* Get the first code                         */

  if(-1 == string_code)

	  return; /* empty file or error */


** This is the main loop where it all happens.  This loop runs util all of

** the input has been exhausted.  Note that it stops adding codes to the

** table after all of the possible codes have been defined.


  while ((character=getc_src()) != -1)


    index=find_match(string_code,character);/* See if the string is in */

    if (code_value[index] != -1)            /* the table.  If it is,   */

      string_code=code_value[index];        /* get the code value.  If */

    else                                    /* the string is not in the*/

    {                                       /* table, try to add it.   */

      if (next_code <= MAX_CODE)






		/* are we using enough bits to write out this code word? */

		if(string_code >= bit_limit && CUR_BITS < BITS)


			/* mark need for bigger code word with all ones */



			bit_limit = (CURRENT_MAX_CODES(CUR_BITS) - 1);


		ATLASSERT(string_code < bit_limit);

      output_code(string_code);  /* When a string is found  */

      string_code=character;            /* that is not in the table*/

    }                                   /* I output the last string*/

  }                                     /* after adding the new one*/


** End of the main loop.


  output_code(string_code); /* Output the last code               */

  output_code(-1);          /* This code flushes the output buffer*/



** This is the hashing routine.  It tries to find a match for the prefix+char

** string in the string table.  If it finds it, the index is returned.  If

** the string is not found, the first available index in the string table is

** returned instead.


int find_match(unsigned int hash_prefix,unsigned int hash_character)


int index;

int offset;

  index = (hash_character << HASHING_SHIFT) ^ hash_prefix;

  if (index == 0)

    offset = 1;


    offset = TABLE_SIZE - index;

  while (1)


    if (code_value[index] == -1)


    if (prefix_code[index] == hash_prefix &&

	append_character[index] == hash_character)


    index -= offset;

    if (index < 0)

      index += TABLE_SIZE;




**  This is the expansion routine.  It takes an LZW format file, and expands

**  it to an output file.  The code here should be a fairly close match to

**  the algorithm in the accompanying article.


void expand()


unsigned int next_code;

unsigned int new_code;

unsigned int old_code;

int character;

unsigned char *string;

unsigned int bit_limit;

	ATLASSERT(code_value); /* initialized? */


	bit_limit = CURRENT_MAX_CODES(CUR_BITS) - 1;



// @@@ what if we pass uncompressed file to decode?

  next_code=FIRST_CODE;        /* This is the next available code to define */

  old_code=input_code();       /* Read in the first code, initialize the */

  if(-1 == old_code)

	  return; /* read error? */

  character=old_code;          /* character variable, and send the first */

  if(putc_out(old_code)==-1)   /* code to the output file                */

	  return; /* write error */


**  This is the main expansion loop.  It reads in characters from the LZW file

**  until it sees the special code used to inidicate the end of the data.


  while ((new_code=input_code()) != (-1))


	  /* look for code length increase marker */

	  if(bit_limit == new_code && CUR_BITS < BITS)



		  bit_limit = CURRENT_MAX_CODES(CUR_BITS) - 1;


		  ATLASSERT(new_code != -1); /* must be read error? */

		  if(new_code == -1)



		ATLASSERT(new_code < bit_limit);


** This code checks for the special STRING+CHARACTER+STRING+CHARACTER+STRING

** case which generates an undefined code.  It handles it by decoding

** the last code, and adding a single character to the end of the decode string.


    if (new_code>=next_code)






** Otherwise we do a straight decode of the new code.





** Now we output the decoded string in reverse order.



    while (string >= decode_stack)



** Finally, if possible, add a new code to the string table.


    if (next_code <= MAX_CODE)










** This routine simply decodes a string from the string table, storing

** it in a buffer.  The buffer can then be output in reverse order by

** the expansion program.


/* ~nab: these char* aren't a risk for unicode; we are reading bytes */

unsigned char *decode_string(unsigned char *buffer,unsigned int code)


int i;


  while (code >= FIRST_CODE)


    *buffer++ = append_character[code];



	 ATLASSERT(i < sizeof(decode_stack)); /* buffer overrun if it blows, increase stack size! */






** The following two routines are used to output variable length

** codes.  They are written strictly for clarity, and are not

** particularyl efficient.

  ~nab: there's room for improvement in these I/O functions eg work in DWORDS instead of bytes


unsigned int input_code()


int c;

unsigned int return_value;

//static int input_bit_count=0;

//static unsigned long input_bit_buffer=0L;

  while (input_bit_count <= 24)


		if ((c = getc_comp()) == -1)


    input_bit_buffer |=

	(unsigned long) c << (24-input_bit_count);

    input_bit_count += 8;


  if(input_bit_count < CUR_BITS) {


		return -1; /* EOF */


  return_value=input_bit_buffer >> (32-CUR_BITS);

  input_bit_buffer <<= CUR_BITS;

  input_bit_count -= CUR_BITS;

  ATLASSERT(return_value < (1UL << CUR_BITS));



/* bits are written outside normal byte boundaries, hence the need for keeping old values */

void output_code(unsigned int code)


//static int output_bit_count=0;

//static unsigned long output_bit_buffer=0L;

	ATLASSERT(output_bit_count < 8); /* leftovers */

	ATLASSERT(CUR_BITS + output_bit_count <= 32);

	/*codes <256 are possible for single characters, zero bytes etc*/

	if(-1 == code) {

		/* pad remaining zeros and flush the last byte */

		if(output_bit_count) {

			output_bit_buffer >>= 24;

			ATLASSERT((output_bit_buffer & 0xFF) == output_bit_buffer);


			output_bit_count = 0;

			output_bit_buffer = 0; /* in case some eejit calls us again */




	ATLASSERT(code < (1UL << CUR_BITS));

	/* sends new bytes near the top (MSB) */

  output_bit_buffer |= (unsigned long) code << (32-CUR_BITS-output_bit_count);

  output_bit_count += CUR_BITS;

  while (output_bit_count >= 8)


	 /* no check for error but if there was a problem we'd know from the time we wrote the identifier */

    putc_comp(output_bit_buffer >> 24);

    output_bit_buffer <<= 8;

    output_bit_count -= 8;



}; /* CLZWImpl */

/* example derived class using C buffered I/O functions */

class CLZWCompressFile : public CLZWImpl {


	CLZWCompressFile() {

		io_file = 0;

		lzw_file = 0;


	~CLZWCompressFile() {




	int AnyIOErrors() {return io_error; }

	// @@@ these char* should be changed for unicode builds

	unsigned int Compress(char* input_file_name, char* to_name)


		ATLASSERT(input_file_name && *input_file_name);

		ATLASSERT(to_name && *to_name);

		ATLASSERT(strcmp(to_name, input_file_name));

		io_error = 1;



				return 0; /* rare memory error */

		u_comp = 0;

		u_io = 0;


		if(io_file) {


			if(lzw_file) {

				/* write LZW identifier L+starting bytes */

				putc('L', lzw_file);

				if(putc(MIN_CODE_LEN, lzw_file) == MIN_CODE_LEN) {


					io_error = ferror(lzw_file) || ferror(io_file);


						ATLASSERT(u_comp <= u_io); /* this is bound to bomb every now and then, no compression! */



				lzw_file = 0;



			io_file = 0;


		return u_comp;


	unsigned int Expand(char* lzw_name, char* to_name)


		ATLASSERT(lzw_name && *lzw_name);

		ATLASSERT(to_name && *to_name);

		ATLASSERT(strcmp(to_name, lzw_name));

		io_error = 1;



				return 0; /* rare memory error */

		u_comp = 0;

		u_io = 0;


		if(lzw_file) {

			/* check LZW identifier L+starting bytes */

			int ch1 = getc(lzw_file);

			int ch2 = getc(lzw_file);

			if('L' == ch1 && MIN_CODE_LEN==ch2) {


				if(io_file) {


					io_error = ferror(lzw_file) || ferror(io_file);


					io_file = 0;




			lzw_file = 0;


		return u_io;



	/* -1 return indicates either EOF or some IO error */

	virtual int getc_src() {


		int ch = getc(io_file);

		if(EOF == ch)

			return -1;


		return ch;


	virtual int getc_comp() {


		int ch = getc(lzw_file);

		if(EOF == ch)

			return -1;


		return ch;


	virtual int putc_comp(int ch) {


		ATLASSERT(ch >= 0 && ch < 256);

		int ret = putc(ch, lzw_file);

		if(ret != EOF) {

			ATLASSERT(ret == ch);




			ret = -1;

		return ret;


	virtual int putc_out(int ch) {


		ATLASSERT(ch >= 0 && ch < 256);

		int ret = putc(ch, io_file);

		if(ret != EOF)



			ret = -1;

		return ret;


	FILE* io_file;

	FILE *lzw_file;

	int io_error;


	unsigned long u_io, u_comp; /* bytes read and written */


// @@@ could have a generic one on IStream, CreateStreamOnHGlobal/SHCreateStreamOnFile

#endif /* UPRIGHT_LZW_H */

Assignment 2

Assignment 3