The Scurvy Curs
Revision as of 22:37, 9 November 2012 by Samuel Benjamin Azan (talk | contribs) (→Issues and Status)
[hide]The Scurvy Curs (Team XV)
Project Marking Percentage
Group work: 50% Individual work: 50% + ------------------------- Total 100%
- repo Github id:
Team Members
First Name | Last Name | Section | Seneca Id | Github ID | wiki id | IRC nick | Blog URL |
Saro | Avakian | B | savakian1 | Github:saro-avakian | Savakian1 | skullman | Skullman's Blog |
Marcus | Gauer | A | mgauer | Github:gauer | Marcus Gauer | wizardsgambit | Epic Adventures |
Samuel | Azan | B | sbazan | Github:samuel-azan | Samuel Benjamin Azan | samuel-azan | Sam OOP344 |
Kieran | Sedgwick | A | ksedgwick | Github:ksedge | Kieran Sedgwick | ksedge | k.sedge Does OOP344
Issues and Status
Issue # | Description | Assigned To | Pull Request | Completed? |
1 | Add console class | Marcus | Kieran | Y |
2.1 | CField Mock-up Class | Marcus | Yoav | Y |
2.2 | CLabel Mock-up Class | Kieran | Samuel | Y |
2.3 | CDialog Mock-up Class | Kieran | Yoav | N |
2.4 | CLineEdit Mock-up Class | Yoav | Kieran | N |
2.5 | CButton Mock-up Class | Yoav | Marcus | N |
2.6 | CValEdit Mock-up Class | Kieran | Marcus | Y |
2.7 | CCheckMark Mock-up Class | Samuel | Marcus | N |
2.8.1 | Add Text Class to the project | Samuel | Marcus | Y |
2.8.2 | CText Mock-up Class | Samuel | Marcus | Y |
2.9 | CCheckList Mock-up Class | Marcus | Saro | N |
Coding Rules
All of our code must follow the following standards.
- When creating header files remember to protect them by using ifndef.
#pragma once #ifndef __XX_FILENAME_H__ //where XX is your initials and FILENAME is the name of the file #define __XX_FILENAME_H__ //codehere #endif
- Always always always simplify code so it is easily readable! E.G.
c += !!(valid); // NOT THIS if (valid) { // INSTEAD THIS c++; }
- If confusing code cannot be avoided, comment it! E.G.
c += !!(validNames); // If [validNames] is true (greater than 0), [c] is increased by one.
- All indents must be composed of two space characters E.G.
Where . = space First code level ..Second code level ....Third Code level ..Second code level ....Third Code level ......Fourth Code level ....Third code level ..Second code level First code level
- All variables must be declared on separate lines E.G.
int i, j, k; // NOT THIS int i; // INSTEAD THIS int j; int k;
- Code blocks are formatted like the following:
if (condition) { // THIS } vs if (condition) { // NOT THIS }
- Conditions for logic statements (if, while etc.) must be spaced like the following:
if (a > b) // Brackets wrap a simple condition OR if ( (strlen(blah) - 1) > methodA(b) ) // If statement brackets are 1 space away from conditions
- ELSE statements must be spaced like the following:
if (condition) { // Code here } < -------- THIS! else { // Code here } VS if (condition) { // Code here } else { <------------ NOT THIS! // Code here }
- Before a method/function E.G.
/************** * methodName * ********************************** * Concise description of purpose * **********************************/ void methodName ( type paramName ) { // CODE HERE }
- Before and after blocks of logic E.G.
main() { // Begin (CODE BLOCK PURPOSE HERE) CODE HERE // End (CODE BLOCK PURPOSE HERE - Optional, depending on length of code block) }
- After lengthy logic constructs (if, while, for etc.) E.G.
if (condition) { // many lines of code } // End-if < -------- THIS PART
- latest will be on top