Assignment 2 (Release 0.2): Q & A

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Q & A

For CButton, it says it needs to be a clickable button.
My question is, how do you record said click.
While looking this up on and google, all i could find were examples with the windows API.
Is that what we're supposed to use to record the click action?
Question by: Team # 3

Bug Reports

Possible/Challenging Enhancements

Features Proposed by Team 42

  1. Smart word wrapping - words are not cut off mid-word while wrapping
  2. Optimization - "test" compiled executables have efficiency issues when moving boxes around
  3. Colors - you can add color to the test program if you're making your own main
  4. Timer - to keep track of how long the user has been running your custom main
  5. Files - Read string from file, use that string for editing, then write the result string to that file, overwriting original