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I'm Michael Afidchao, and this is my favorite page on the, not really.

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IRC nick: mdafidchao, KyperTrast

GAM666 test review stuff

Sample test question:

 d3d->CreateDevice( ) //returns &d3dd
 sprite->D3DCreateSprite() //returns &sprite
   //com Direct3D object
d3dd -> Clear ()
 // { single frame
 d3dd -> BeginScene()
 //[ drawing graphic
// ]
d3dd ->EndScene()
d3dd -> Present()

Windows Programming

  • entry point: instead of a main function, WinMain() is used
  • int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hinst, HINST hprev, LPSTR cp, int show)
    • hinst - handle to the window, a pointer that indirectly points to an instance to disallow direct changes
    • hprev - handle to the previous instance of the application (usually nullptr)
    • cp - C-style null-terminated string from the command line,
    • show - integer that identifies how to initially display the window
  • windows procedure: processes the message queue created from the OS
  • BOOL CALLBACK identifierName(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp)
    • hwnd - handle to the window for which the incoming message was targeted
    • msg - integer that identifies the message itself
    • wp - optionally holds a value associated with message, usually an integer
    • lp - holds a value associated with message, usually an address
  • DialogBox(): a Windows function-like macro that creates a modal dialog box from a template resource
  • DialogBox((HINSTANCE)hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DLG), nullptr, procedureToReceieveMessages)
    • modal - execution pauses until user completes some action
    • does not return control until EndDialog() has destroyed the dialog box
  • types of messages to process within switch(msg): WM_INITDIALOG, WM_COMMAND, IDCANCEL
    • WM_INITDIALOG - initialize immediately before displaying dialog box
    • WM_COMMAND - response to any activity within dialog box, check the LOWORD of wp: switch (LOWORD(wp))
      • IDOK - continue button
      • IDCANCEL - cancel button
  • Resource Description: dialog box uses a resource, defined in a resource definition script
    • resources are defined with ID numbers, dialog controls are usually prefixed with IDC_ and starts at 100/101
  • ensure you use the L prefix for Unicode (2 bytes per character): L"Text"

Key Windows Functions

  • MessageBox(HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR lpText, LPCTSTR lpCation, UINT uType): pops up a modal dialog box
  • SendDlgItemMessage (HWND hwnd, int nIDDlgItem, UINT Msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp): sends message msg to control nIDDlgItem in dialog box hwnd
    • For comboboxes: wp holds the index of the line item in nIDDlgItem's list
    • lp holds the address of the string associated with that line item
    • combo box CB_ definitions:
      • CB_RESETCONTENT - send a message to the combo box to remove all items from its list
      • CB_ADDSTRING - add a line item to its list
      • CB_SETCURSEL - select the line item from the list associated with the index specified in wp
      • CB_GETCURSEL - get index of selected item
      • CB_GETLBTEXT - get description of selected resolution, wp specifies the index, lp specifies the string to be filled
      • CBN_SETFOCUS - checks whether the combo box has keyboard focus, from the wp ex. HIWORD(wp) == CBN_SETFOCUS
      • CBN_SELCHANGE - checks whether the user has clicked in the combo box list or changed the selection w/arrow keys
      • CB_ERR - this is returned after any sent dialog message to a combo box
    • GetDlgItem (HWND hwnd, int nID): retrieves a handle to control nID in dialog box hwnd
    • EnableWindow (HWND hwnd, BOOL enable): enables/disables the control at handle hwnd
      • use in combination w/GetDlgItem, ex. EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_GO), TRUE)

Key Resource Definitions

  • LTEXT - creates text control
  • PUSHBUTTON - creates a push button control
  • DEFPUSHBUTTON - default push button


These are the key definitions:

  • #define WINAPI __stdcall //__stdcall informs the compiler that the function, not the caller, will clean the stack after execution
  • #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN //remove unnecessary API components for game programming
  • typedef PVOID HANDLE;
  • typedef void* PVOID;
  • typedef CHAR* LPSTR;
  • typedef char CHAR;
  • typedef int BOOL;
  • #define CALLBACK __stdcall
  • typedef HANDLE HWND;
  • typedef unsigned int UINT;
  • typedef UINT_PTR WPARAM; //word parameter
  • typedef unsigned int UINT_PTR;
  • typedef LONG_PTR LPARAM; //long parameter
  • typedef long LONG_PTR;