BTP300A Team 42 Weekly Log
Revision as of 19:37, 22 September 2012 by Petr Bouianov (talk | contribs)
Team 42!
Week 1
- 9/05 (Wednesday): Pair Programming in the Open Lab (2hrs).
- 9/09 (Sunday): Pair Programming over Skype / VNC (1.5hrs). Display function working.
Week 2
- 9/10 (Monday): Pair Programming in the Computer Lab (2hrs).
- 9/11 (Tuesday): Pair Programming during lecture (~1hr). Edit function mostly working (right, end, default cases not implemented properly).
- 9/14 (Friday): Pair Programming over Skype / VNC (3hrs). Edit function finished. Requirements for 8/10 completed. Started on text-wrap features. Dumb text wrap works.
Week 3
- 9/17 (Monday): Pair Programming in the Computer Lab (3hr). Worked on smart text-wrapping.
- 9/17 (Monday): Demo of program in class (done).
- 9/17 (Monday): Pair programming over Skype (1hr). Smart text-wrap working.
- 9/18 (Tuesday): Pair Programming in the Open Lab (1hr). Worked on main.
- 9/21 (Friday): Pair Programming in Computer Lab (4hrs). Worked on main.
- 9/21 (Friday): Pair Programming over Skype (2hrs). Colors and cross-platform compatibility done.
- 9/22 (Saturday): Pair Programming over Skype (3hrs). Added clock and cursor features to main.
- 9/22 (Saturday): Prepared typescript / screenshots / binaries for submission. (Done)