Revision as of 23:16, 17 September 2012 by Linpei Fan (talk | contribs)
OOP344 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Teams | Project | Student Resources
Member Info
First Name | Last Name | Section | Seneca Id | wiki id | IRC nick | GITHUB ID | Blog URL |
Guiwen | Chen | B | gchen42 | Guiwen Chen | chgw | guiwen | Guiwen's Blog |
Linpei | Fan | B | lfan9 | Linpei Fan | Lilyaj | lilyfan | Learning Path to Software Development |
Jieming | Feng | B | jmfeng1 | Jie Ming Feng | jayfeng | jayfeng | Blue Jay C++ |
Diao Qiang | He | A | dqhe1 | Diao Qiang He | Antares | diaoqianghe | Diao Qiang He's Blog |
Hye Young (Rody) | Choi | B | hychoi6 | Hye Young Choi | RodyChoi | rodychoi | Happy Life |
Coding Ethics
- To be added soon...