Generate an RPM-based Raspberry Pi Kernel

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Generate an RPM-based Raspberry Pi Kernel

Project Description

The Fedora project has a standard RPM kernel package. The Fedora ARM project has extended this package to build separate kernels for various ARM system-on-a-chip (SOC) platforms, generating binary RPM packages for kernel-omap, kernel-tegra, kernel-kirkwood, and so forth. This package should be extended to generate a kernel package for the Broadcom SOC used in the Raspberry Pi (either kernel-raspi or kernel-bcm).

In order to create a standard RPM package file, Dracut (initramfs) will need to be properly supported.

Expected outcome: the Fedora kernel package generates a Raspberry Pi kernel binary RPM.

Skills required: packaging, kernel building

Maximum number of participants: 2 (kernel package, initramfs/dracut setup)

Project Leader(s)

Aries Alwi

Project Contributor(s)

Project Details

Project Plan

Tracking mechanism (bugzilla, trac, github, ...):

Key contacts:

  • The CDOT Fedora-ARM team: Jordan, Jon, Max, Paul
  • Dennis Gilmore
  • Dave Jones

Goals for each release and plans for reaching those goals:

  • 0.1 Proof of concept  : Get the Raspberry Pi packages into the SRPM, modify the spec file to produce a binary RPM for Raspberry Pi.
  • 0.2 Initial implementation : Ensure the post-installation script (%post) in the binary RPM calls grubby properly for the Raspberry Pi.
  • 0.3 Better implementation  : Specify the kernel build's configuration file (.config) for what should be included or excluded in terms of device drivers and kernel features.


Mailing Lists

Upsteam Wiki and Web


Building a custom kernel:


Source Code Control

github (Raspberry Pi):


Seneca Participants

Aries Alwi

Non-Seneca Participants


Project News