Silent coding works (scw) 20121 - oop344

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OOP344 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Teams | Project | Student Resources

silent coding works

nothing to see ...

Project Marking Percentage

  • due right after study break

Group work:      XX%        (25 <= xx <= 50)
Individual work: XX% +      (50 <= xx <= 75) 
Total           100%


  • repo id: oop344_121rep01

Trunk Status

  • committed/committing by
    id: emailid
    name: full name
    irc nick: mynick
    any other info

Team Members

Team Name (team x)
First Name Last Name Section Seneca Id wiki id IRC nick Blog URL
Kwok Wong B kwong67 kwong67 venven oop344


task name

  • task description
  • being done by team member name / not assigned
  • status


  • latest will be on top

topic, date
