Feb 16, 2012

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Revision as of 19:21, 16 February 2012 by Sdealmeida (talk | contribs) (Meeting Summary)
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Meeting Summary

SVN Installation


 sudo apt-get install subversion


Download: http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html

SVN repo


SVN Commands

* "svn checkout" - a svn checkout will download all files from the server to your working directory. Usage: "svn checkout svn://littlesvr.ca/prog/seneca-app"
* "svn add"      - 
* "svn status"   - a svn status will show all files that will be committed. Usage: "svn status"
* "svn commit"   - a svn commit will "push" all files that you added (by running the svn add command) to the repo.
* "svn update"   - a svn update will update any "old" files that is on your working directory.
* Want more commands? http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/index.php/Useful_SVN_Commands

SVN Setup

- Create a working directory (mkdir ~/home/username/Documents/seneca-app/)
- Move to your newly working directory (cd /home/username/Documents/seneca-app/)
- Do a checkout (svn checkout svn://littlesvr.ca/prog/seneca-app)
- Update your work (if needed)
- Done! You can now start using SVN!