Release Notes

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Release Notes

Project Description

Fedora usually contains three packages that cannot be redistributed with derived (remixed) versions:

fedora-logos fedora-release fedora-release-notes

Dummy versions of these packages are available, substituting generic- for fedora- (i.e., generic-logos, generic-release, and generic-release-notes).

The fedora-release package has been replaced by the raspberrypi-fedora-remix-release package.

This project involves creating a replacement for the other two packages:

raspberrypi-logos -- This package will contain replacements for the Fedora logos, including the Raspberry Pi logo (and possibly the Fedora secondary mark) where appropriate. It would probably also be a good idea to produce a raspberrypi-backgrounds package with Raspberry Pi-branded wallpaper.

raspberrypi-fedora-remix-release-notes -- This package will contain documentation on the Remix, including notes on how to install it on an SD card, trademarks, use of the GPIO controls, etc.

Project Leader(s)

Christopher Choo

Project Contributor(s)

Project Details

This part of the project is basically the release notes that are being supplied for the Raspberry Pi Fedora Remix, this includes some how-to documents and notes about what this project is about and any details regarding the remix OS project.

Project Plan

Tracking mechanism (bugzilla, trac, github, ...):

Key contacts:

Goals for each release and plans for reaching those goals:

  • 0.1 Read up on how Fedora or other Distributions release notes are structured, figure out what needs to be in the release notes, rough mock up of release notes.
  • 0.2 Have a semi finished set of release notes and test package, finalize included notes.
  • 0.3 Have a finished release notes in package.


Mailing Lists

Upsteam Wiki and Web


Source Code Control


Seneca Particpants

Christopher Choo

Non-Seneca Participants


Project News