Teams' List 20121 - OOP344

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OOP344 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Teams | Project | Student Resources
Use the template below to add your team information to this page under Teams.

== TN ==

[[TN IRC Logs 20121 - OOP344 | IRC meeting logs]]

# Member Full Name , Seneca Email ID, IRC nick,  [ Email], Section X
# Member Full Name , Seneca Email ID, IRC nick,  [ Email], Section X
# Member Full Name , Seneca Email ID, IRC nick,  [ Email], Section X
# etc...

[;; Email All]

Replace the following with your team information

  • TN: Your Team name
  • RN: Your svn repository number
  • Member FULL name: Team members' name

After adding your team information to this page, create a separate page for your team using provided template , make sure the page name ends with semester (i.e. My Team 20113 - OOP344 ) and has the following added in content at the very beginning of the page:

{{OOP344 Index | 20121}}

The above adds the main oop344 index to the top of the page for semester 20121


Team FUN


IRC meeting logs

  1. Barry Tulchinsky , btulchinsky, btulchinsky, Email, Section B
  2. James Greenhalgh , jgreenhalgh, JamesGreen, Email, Section B
  3. Everard Rodney, erodney, astrop, Email, Section B
  4. Anil Santokhi, adsantokhi, A_Santokhi, Email, Section A

Email All

Dynamic Developers


IRC meeting logs

  1. Alex D'Amico, aadamico, daag, Email, Section B
  2. Moshe Tenenbaum, mctenenbaum, mctenenbaum, Email, Section B
  3. Sanghyun Lee, slee201, SH Lee, Email, Section A
  4. Oleksandr Melnichenko, Omelnichenkooleksandr, Oleksandr, Email, Section A

Email All



IRC meeting logs

  1. Sezar Gantous, sgaouts, NULLbyte, Email, Section A
  2. Stephanie Bourque, sbourqu1, HolyHazard, Email, Section A
  3. Saro Avakian, savakian1, savakian1, Email, Section A

Email All